Google Restricts Ads for Merchant Cash Advances

October 8, 2017
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Google’s quest to stamp out payday loan advertisements from its paid search results has caused collateral damage to merchant cash advances. That’s because the two-word term cash advance, often synonymous with payday loan, appears to now have a blanket restriction that blocks ads whenever that term is included in search, regardless of the words that come before it or after it.

A search for merchant cash advance returns no paid ads

Merchant cash advances, however, are commercial factoring transactions with no relation to payday or consumer finance.

A user on the deBanked forum first alerted me on October 5th and deBanked conducted tests from internet connections in two states to see if we could replicate the results. Below is a sample of our results:

Keyword Google Adwords Status
cash advance BLOCKED
merchant cash advance BLOCKED
business cash advance BLOCKED
business loan ACCEPTED
get a business loan ACCEPTED
loan for my business ACCEPTED
cash advance for my business BLOCKED
business loan companies ACCEPTED
merchant cash advance companies BLOCKED
factoring or business loans or credit cards ACCEPTED
factoring or business loans or merchant cash advances BLOCKED
loan from ondeck ACCEPTED
cash advance from ondeck BLOCKED
consolidate loans ACCEPTED
consolidate cash advances BLOCKED

No such block exists on rival search engine Bing.

Though Google has not said this, the mass removal of payday lending ads, once a massive source of revenue for them, is likely the result of government pressure. Over the last two years, federal regulators have begun targeting lead generation sites that direct users to lenders in a misleading manner.

Unless Google fixes the glitch that caused merchant cash advances to get wrapped up with consumer cash advances, the organic search results will experience a huge boost in value. Last month we reported that companies like OnDeck, Fundera, and Nerdwallet were winning the search engine optimization battle for several keywords including merchant cash advance. Absent any ads, those companies and several others will now benefit from a stream of free traffic and applicants for which their cost of acquisition will be zero dollars.

Perhaps little has been mentioned about this ban within the industry because the end result is FREE leads for those that rank well organically. Long live SEO!

Broker Fair 2018 – The Inaugural Conference for Merchant Cash Advance and Business Loan Brokers

October 5, 2017
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Put on by Foinse, LLC and presented by deBanked, Broker Fair 2018 will be at The William Vale in Brooklyn, NY on May 14, 2018

Broker Fair 2018New York, NY – Foinse, LLC, in collaboration with deBanked, is excited to announce Broker Fair 2018, the inaugural conference for merchant cash advance (MCA) and business loan brokers. Broker Fair 2018 is being held at The William Vale in Brooklyn on May 14, 2018. It will be the largest gathering of MCA and business loan brokers in the country.

This exclusive one-day event in New York City’s most vibrant and creative corner will offer brokers, lenders, funders, and service providers opportunities to learn, connect, and grow their businesses.

Broker Fair founder and deBanked Chief Editor Sean Murray, said “Online business lenders, MCA providers, and independent brokers employ thousands of salespeople to connect business owners with sources of capital. There are numerous products, tools, and resources out there now but the landscape remains fractured. Through Broker Fair, I want to empower the salespeople, empower the brokers. They’re the ones on the frontlines with America’s small business owners. I’ve been covering this space for seven years and was actually an MCA broker myself prior to that. I know the industry. A lot of folks and companies want to be successful but I know that they also want to have a positive impact on their customers and the industry they’re a part of. I want to facilitate that and more at Broker Fair.”

The three central tenets of the conference will be education, inspiration, and opportunities.

Registration is already open at

To become a sponsor or inquire about the benefits of sponsorship, contact or call 917-722-0808. Event sponsors can be viewed at:

About Foinse, LLC
Foinse, LLC is an events company and the owner of Broker Fair 2018. For more information, visit:

About deBanked
deBanked® is a registered trademark of Raharney Capital, LLC and is the name of a print and online publication that has covered alternative finance including merchant cash advance and online business lending since 2010. deBanked is a presenting partner of Broker Fair 2018. For more information, visit:

Dear MCA and Business Loan Brokers, It’s Time

October 5, 2017
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it's timeIt’s been two years since the Year of the Broker was published. And it’s been many more than that since the last time I brokered a deal myself. Though I’ve only been writing about merchant cash advances (MCAs) and non-bank business loans for seven years here, my involvement in that industry started more than a decade ago. In all that time I’ve gone to countless trade shows, conferences, networking events, meetups and discussion sessions. To their credit, many of those provided excellent value across the spectrum of finance or payments, but none ever quite fully gripped an industry that is now pumping out approximately $15 billion to small businesses each year.

MCAs and online business loans are still overwhelmingly facilitated by salespeople, whether they’re employed by direct capital providers or independent sales organizations and brokers. Notably, a recent survey of industry CEOs suggested that in the last two years, the industry has come to rely even more on brokers for originations despite the belief that their reliance on them would decrease. An average of 64% of originations are currently coming from external sources/ISOs, the survey revealed.

Even salespeople at direct capital providers can find themselves playing the role of adviser or middleman when the solutions they offer in-house are not the right fit for a prospect. Small businesses need someone to help them navigate the massive universe of options and have that person be able to explain those options correctly. It only makes sense then that there would be an annual gathering of brokers, lenders, and MCA funders where all of those salespeople and their colleagues come together. Much to my disappointment (and I’m not alone in that) I’ve never found such an event.

I expect that will change in 2018. I truly believe dear friends that it’s time…

Update: Meet Broker Fair 2018

Get Your Free Hard Copy of deBanked Magazine

October 2, 2017
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Sept Oct 17 top
If you haven’t already signed up to receive our magazine in the past, you should register today to make sure you receive our September/October issue! Subscribing is FREE and this issue is packed with stories, stats, and industry data you can’t find anywhere else.

We can also arrange for multiple copies to be shipped to your office if you like distributing them to your employees, partners or investors. Our magazine is on display in many lobbies and waiting rooms of alternative finance companies nationwide.

Isn’t it time you deBanked?


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ISOs Alleged to Be Partners in Debt Settlement “Scam” in Explosive Lawsuit

September 28, 2017
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cartoonISOs and brokers referring deals to debt settlement companies should pay attention to a lawsuit that was filed in the New York Supreme Court on Wednesday. In it, plaintiffs Yellowstone Capital and EBF Partners (“Everest Business Funding”) allege that certain ISOs are culpable partners in a scam that nefarious debt settlement companies are perpetrating on small businesses.

The debt settlement companies “mislead the merchants as to the services they will perform and the cost to the merchant, and they also conceal their relationships with the ISO Defendants and the fact that they or their affiliates are introducing these same merchants to merchant cash advance providers like Plaintiffs only to later induce those merchants to breach their agreements with their cash advance providers,” the complaint states.

Among the named defendants are:

  • Corporate Bailout, LLC
  • Mark D. Guidubaldi & Associates, LLC dba Protection Legal Group
  • PLG Servicing LLC
  • American Funding Group
  • Coast to Coast Funding, LLC
  • ROC South, LLC
  • Mark Mancino

Several defendants are already best known for running an office “so sexually aggressive, morally repulsive, and unlawfully hostile that it is rivaled only by the businesses portrayed in the films ‘Boiler Room’ and ‘The Wolf of Wall Street,’” according to a salacious story that graced the back cover of the New York Post last month.

One paragraph of the complaint summarizes the allegedly collaborative scheme like this:

American Funding, Coast to Coast, […] (the “ISO Defendants”) are independent sales organizations (“ISOs”), companies that ostensibly support the merchant cash advance industry by brokering merchant agreements for companies like Plaintiffs. The ISO Defendants are anything but the proverbial “honest brokers.” As alleged below, they have partnered with companies that purport to offer debt relief services to merchants who have agreements with merchant cash advance companies like Plaintiffs. In practice, for these companies, “debt relief” is a code word for deceiving merchants to breach their existing agreements with Plaintiffs and to instead pay fees to these debt relief entities. In short, they scam merchants into believing that they can save them money when, in fact, they leave these merchants in financial shambles, while causing Plaintiffs to suffer millions of dollars in losses and future los[t] profits.


Back cover of the NY Post on August 11th, 2017 that showed a scandalous photo taken at the office of American Funding Group and Corporate Bailout

Central to the plaintiffs’ claim is that they have ISO agreements with the defendants and that the defendants’ conduct is a breach of those agreements. The three causes of action alleged are tortious interference with contract, conversion, and breach of contract. Plaintiffs claim that 100 merchants with more than $3 million in outstanding balances are in breach of their contracts because of the defendants’ conduct.

The complaint was prepared and filed by attorneys at Proskauer, a 142-year old law firm founded in New York City.

Debt Relief Under Fire

The small business debt relief industry has been marred by scandal in recent years. In an unrelated criminal matter being handled in the Western District of New York, the owner of Corporate Restructure Inc. (no ties to Corporate Bailout) is currently residing in the Niagara County Jail awaiting trial on charges of conspiracy to commit mail fraud, wire fraud, bank fraud and money laundering for failing to deliver the debt relief services it charged for. In that case, United States vs. Sergiy Bezrukov, Bezrukov advertised that he could reduce a merchant’s short term debt by up to 75%. He is facing up to 30 years in prison. He was also previously a merchant cash advance ISO.

Two other MCA funding companies, Pearl Gamma Funding and Pearl Beta Funding, filed a lawsuit last November against another debt relief company that calls itself Creditors Relief. The complaint in that case also alleges tortious interference with contract and is still pending.

Meanwhile, a lawsuit filed in May by famous TCPA litigant Craig Cunningham against Corporate Bailout and Mark D Guidubaldi & Associates LLC went unanswered, according to court records. Cunningham, who alleged violations of telemarketing laws, filed for a default judgment against Corporate Bailout on September 12th.

Taking Advantage

Both Yellowstone Capital and Everest would not comment on the lawsuit they filed, citing pending litigation. Sources close to them, however, contend that both companies take matters that involve merchants being taken advantage of very seriously.

“When our own ISOs work directly in concert with companies that induce merchants to breach our contracts, that’s a problem,” said one source who did not wish to be named and was speaking generally about the recent introduction of debt relief service companies to the industry. “They’re taking advantage of businesses that can’t afford to be taken advantage of.”

An email sent by deBanked to Mark Mancino early Thursday afternoon, an individually-named defendant alleged to be affiliated with the other defendants, has not yet received a response. This story may be updated if a reply is received.


lawsuit against ISOs and debt settlement companies

Funders and Lenders are Relying More on Brokers, Survey Finds

September 27, 2017
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Business lending and MCA CEOs are not finding it easy to reduce their dependence on brokers, the latest Bryant Park Capital/deBanked survey results suggest. In a past survey conducted in Q4 2015, respondents indicated that an average of 46% of their business came from external sources/ISOs versus internal marketing. 44% of respondents also reported at the time that they expected the percentage of ISO business to decrease while 33% expected it would remain the same.

Nearly two years later, respondents to the latest survey reported that an average of 64% of their business now comes from ISOs/external sources, a significant increase. 62% of those surveyed said they expected that percentage to decrease.

Click here if the embedded PDF doesn’t load
Click here if the embedded PDF doesn’t load

OnDeck, who did not participate in the survey, reported last quarter that 21.1% of their loans were originated through ISOs, brokers and related parties, up from its lowest point in recent years. That accounted for 24.3% of the total dollars loaned for the period.

Confidence in MCA and Online SMB Lending Industry Ticks Up

September 26, 2017
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The latest industry CEO survey conducted by Bryant Park Capital and deBanked showed that confidence in the continued success of the SMB lending/MCA industry is coming back. Confidence had a hit a low of 73.8% in Q1 of this year, the lowest point since the survey started in 2015. In Q3, the number jumped up to 81.3%.

Click here if the embedded PDF doesn’t load
Click here if the embedded PDF doesn’t load

Confidence in being able to access capital at a reasonable cost to grow ticked up only slightly to 79.9%, up from its lowest point in Q1 this year at 78.7%.

The first quarter of 2016 holds the confidence record since the surveying began. Coincidentally, that period is widely considered to be the peak of the online lending bubble. An April 2016 blog post published during that year’s annual LendIt Conference declared an end to the euphoria.

While respondents to the most recent survey were not asked to explain their confidence level, factors like a steady regulatory climate and some recent competition-reducing consolidation likely played a role in the boost.

The Top Small Business Funders By Revenue

September 14, 2017
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Thanks to the Inc 5000 list on private companies and earnings statements from public companies, we’ve been able to compile rankings of alternative small business financing companies by revenue. Companies that haven’t published their figures are not ranked.

SMB Funding Company 2016 Revenue 2015 Revenue Notes
Square $1,700,000,000 $1,267,000,000 Went public November 2015
OnDeck $291,300,000 $254,700,000 Went public December 2014
Kabbage $171,800,000 $97,500,000 Received $1.25B+ valuation in Aug 2017
Swift Capital $88,600,000 $51,400,000 Acquired by PayPal in Aug 2017
National Funding $75,700,000 $59,100,000
Reliant Funding $51,900,000 $11,300,000 Acquired by PE firm in 2014
Fora Financial $41,600,000 $34,000,000 Acquired by PE firm in October 2015
Forward Financing $28,300,000
IOU Financial $17,400,000 $12,000,000 Went public through reverse merger in 2011
Gibraltar Business Capital $16,000,000
United Capital Source $8,500,000
SnapCap $7,700,000
Lighter Capital $6,400,000 $4,400,000
Fast Capital 360 $6,300,000
US Business Funding $5,800,000
Cashbloom $5,400,000 $4,800,000
Fund&Grow $4,100,000
Priority Funding Solutions $2,600,000
StreetShares $647,119 $239,593

Companies who were published in the 2016 Inc 5000 list but not the 2017 list:

Company 2015 Revenue Notes
CAN Capital $213,400,000 Ceased funding operations in December 2016, resumed July 2017
Bizfi $79,000,000 Wound down
Quick Bridge Funding $48,900,000
Capify $37,900,000 Wound down

View the Top Funders of 2016 by Origination Volume

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