Archive for 2019

Confessions of Judgment in MCA Make the Evening News

January 21, 2019
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Erie County Clerk Michael Kearns is no longer processing Confessions of Judgment (COJs) in Erie County for merchant cash advance companies, according to a statement his office published this week. Prior to being elected Clerk, Kearns was an assemblyman in the New York State legislature.

On Monday night, Kearns appeared on Channel 4’s evening news in Buffalo to discuss why his office had made the decision. Both Kearns and the local newscaster cite a highly controversial story series published by Bloomberg.

A review by deBanked of the series, revealed that two Bloomberg reporters had performed little or no fact checking of their sources. In one instance, for example, Bloomberg featured a business that had allegedly been “wiped out” by a $40,000 predatory loan gone wrong. Public records confirmed however, that the business owners continued to pay themselves more than a $100,000 salary from that business and that they still had nearly a million dollars flowing through their bank accounts. Facebook painted a similar picture, as one of the owners openly bragged about owning a new Camaro Super Sport with racing stripes.

Neither reporter has offered any explanation for the inaccuracies in their reporting.

Despite this, lawmakers and the Governor alike have called for an end to COJs in business credit transactions. You can watch the evening news segment below:

PayPal Credit Commits $25 Million to Help Unpaid Government Workers

January 21, 2019
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paypalPayPal announced Friday that it was devoting $25 million to a program that offers interest-free cash advances of up to $500 to federal workers who have been impacted by the record long partial government shutdown.

“No matter where you stand on the issues, the fact is that 800,000 of our fellow Americans suddenly find themselves without a paycheck,” PayPal CEO Dan Schulman wrote in a blog post. “We think that the private sector and the public sector need to come together to think about creative solutions, to be able to help,” he said in a video.

Josh Criscoe, a PayPal spokesperson told deBanked that borrowers need only make the minimum monthly payment, generally equal to 3% of the outstanding balance. The APR is 0% until the cash advance is repaid.

Crisco said that any government worker who has gone without pay due to the shutdown qualifies for a $250 cash advance, while most of the others who meet certain credit criteria, are eligible for the full $500.

“We’ve seen strong interest since Friday and through the weekend,” said Criscoe.

PayPal is using public records to confirm that applicants seeking the interest-free cash advances are, indeed, unpaid government workers. And they are asking for certain forms of verification as well.

PayPal is not the only lending institution that is trying to help unpaid government workers. In California, nearly a dozen credit unions are providing financial assistance to their members affected by the shutdown.

“The uncertainty as to when the shutdown will end has created stress and hardship for many credit union members who are now struggling to pay their bills and provide for their families,” said Elizabeth Dooley, President and CEO of the Educational Employees Credit Union, in a statement.

“Credit Unions are offering options to federal employees affected by the partial shutdown – such as skipping a loan payment or zero percent loans – to help their members get through this challenging time.”


deBanked CONNECT Miami Travel Advisory

January 20, 2019
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Miami Travel Tips

Please allow yourself ample amount of time to get through airport security. There has been reports of extended security wait times following the partial government shutdown.

Please arrive to the airport early and double-check your departure gate.

Eden Roc FAQ and Parking Info

Eden Roc has limited amount of parking spots. The hotel will accommodate as many as they can in their parking garage. We encourage you to use Uber, Lyft or cab when possible.

Eden Roc overnight parking is $48*. Daily parking, no overnight, is $25* until 8 PM. After 8 PM it is $35*.

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Small Business Funding is Blasting Off

January 18, 2019
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Despite the pall of the record long partial government shutdown which has hurt brokers and funders of SBA loans, many companies and individuals in the online small business funding space are off to a very fruitful 2019. Below are some that we found.

Edward DeAngelis


After 15 years in the screen printing and embroidering business, Edward DeAngelis spent about four years learning the online funding business before creating Amerifi, a small business funding brokerage. Amerifi and DeAngelis, its CEO and founder, have had a very strong 2019 so far. Since January 1, DeAngelis said that Amerifi has facilitated $7,420,667 in funding. This is compared to $1,284,890 for the entire month of January 2018.

DeAngelis attributes this in part to his increasingly diversified product offering. Amerifi, located in Broomall, PA, offers term loans, asset backed loans, lines of credit and merchant cash advances, among other products. He said that he’s trying to develop a brand known for funding every deal, large and small. He also said that developing a solid team, which now includes eight salespeople, is very important.

“I’m not one for high turnover,” DeAngelis said. “I invest in my team. I spend plenty to provide good leads to all my guys and I treat my team well.”

DeAngelis said he provides his whole team with health insurance. Founded in March of 2017, Amerifi has so far brought nearly $49 million of funding to American small businesses.

Justin Leto

Idea Financial

Co-founder and CEO of Idea Financial, Justin Leto, said they have seen an uptick in volume starting in December of last year and carrying over into 2019.

“In the first week or so of December the volume wasn’t as high as we thought,” Leto said. “But then all of a sudden as we got to the end of the year, even up until New Year’s Eve when we thought there would be nothing going on at all, the volume was tremendous. And it wasn’t volume that we were just declining. It was really good paper coming in. And it has continued through January. The paper has been solid. The quality of the deals are very good.”

Idea financial, based in Miami, FL, provides a line of credit product, with 12 and 18 month repayment periods.

“We have a 650 minimum FICO, so we have to get the higher credit quality merchants,” Leto said.  “And they’ve been coming. What I’ve seen is we have an approval for $100,000-$150,000 and it’s rare that anybody takes the full amount…If people are taking a percentage of the line and using it over time and continuing to draw over time for different projects, I think that’s a sign of a responsible borrower…I don’t see a recession coming.”

Adam Beebe

Accord Business Funding

CEO of Accord Business Funding, Adam Beebe, told deBanked that it was doing about double the amount in funding this month compared to last January. Completely ISO driven, Beebe said that submissions over the past month or so have been up 30 to 40 percent but couldn’t attribute it to any one specific thing.

Founded in 2013, Accord funds MCA deals exclusively and employs over 20 people in its Houston-based office.  Last year, it made a key hire to expand its marketing efforts.  

Jarret Ortmann Ironwood

Ironwood Finance

“I’ve had more deals in the last two weeks than during any other two week period last year,” said Jarret Ortmann, Senior Lending Officer at Ironwood Finance in Corpus Christi, Texas.

He also said that he’s been seeing more deals coming in from his brokers. Ironwood provides working capital, equipment financing and collateral lending.

Joust Launches Banking Platform for Entrepreneurs

January 17, 2019
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Lamine Zarrad - JoustLamine Zarrad, CEO, Joust

This week marked the launch of the Joust iOS app, a platform for freelancers and small businesses that provides banking, payments, collections and invoice factoring solutions. The Android App is scheduled for release on February 1, 2019.

“We straddle three different domains: payments, merchant processing, and factoring, all in one app,” said Joust co-founder and CEO Lamine Zarrad. “Most freelancers have a bank account, then add a payments account using Stripe or Paypal, or both.Then you need an invoicing tool. Now you’ve accumulated three or four different tools to bill your customers. What Joust did, in partnership with [our banking partner], is we were able to consolidate all of these tools.”

Zarrad said that Joust has three categories of customers: traditional small businesses, part-time freelancers, and full-time freelancers, or “solopreneurs” – people who dedicate all of their efforts to their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Some of the most common financial problems among solopreneurs that Joust aims to fix are stabilization of cash flows, gap financing, and integration of payments and banking.

In conjunction with an online banking platform, called Cambr, Joust provides customers with a bank account as well as a merchant account, which gives them the ability to accept credit cards directly into their account, Zarrad said. Cambr was created by StoneCastle, a technology enabled financial services company managing over $15 billion on behalf of its clients. It stores cash within a network of 850 community banks in all 50 states.

Another significant pain point for freelancers is collection of unpaid receivables. Zarrad said that entrepreneurs in general lost 14% of their receivables to non-paying or extremely delayed paying clients in 2018. The Joust platform/app also includes a collections service, which is a series of five emails strategically spaced out.

“Most bills don’t get paid not because people don’t want to pay, but because it’s been de-prioritized,” Zarrad said, “and having a third party act on behalf of a freelancer is immensely more powerful.”

If there is no response after the fifth email, Joust then outsources the collections. Having a Joust bank and merchant account is completely free, with the exception of credit card processing fees, which Joust passes on to the customer. Joust anticipates making money in part by bringing business accounts to StoneCastle and primarily from its factoring capabilities. Zarrad said they make 1 to 6% on guaranteeing invoices.

Capify Secures Massive Credit Facility from Goldman Sachs

January 16, 2019
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David Goldin HeadshotCapify, which serves the UK and Australia markets, announced this morning that it has secured a £75 million (roughly $95 million) credit facility from Goldman Sachs.

“This credit facility validates our company as a leader in the marketplace and underlines the strength of our business model to provide simple, affordable and smart financial options to UK and Australian small businesses,” Capify founder and CEO David Goldin said.

The achievement is notable for a company that is not venture capital or private equity based.

“Capify is one of the leading small business providers in the UK and Australia,” said Pankaj Soni, Executive Director at Goldman Sachs Private Capital. “We have been impressed with the management team, business model and innovative finance solutions for small businesses [and] we look forward to supporting their growth in the years ahead.”

Capify provides MCA deals and business loans to small business merchants. Goldin told deBanked that MCA deals make up about 75% of Capify’s business in the UK, with about 25% in business loans. The ratio in Australia is the inverse, he said.

Goldin entered the UK and Australian markets in 2008 and said that they have become hyper competitive over the last three to four years. He acknowledged that both markets are still far smaller than the U.S. though.

“You don’t see these big crazy origination volumes [that you do in the U.S.]…[for us,] it’s about building a profitable, growing company.”

According to Goldin, another difference between the U.S. market and the UK and Australian markets is that the latter has embraced self-regulation much faster than the U.S. For instance, in Australia, there have been recommendations from semi-governmental organizations on how funders should perform, including the publishing of APR in contracts for business loans.

“These markets have moved quicker for self-regulation in the last two or three years than the U.S. market has moved in 10 years.”

This may be a matter of other countries learning from the experiences of the U.S., he said.

Goldin said that in addition to scaling Capify, the money from the facility will also be used to launch partner/broker programs in the UK and Australia. So far, the majority of Capify’s leads come from internal direct marketing efforts.

Capify employs more than 120 people divided between two offices, one in Manchester, England and the other in Sydney, Australia.

Goldin integrated the U.S. operations of Capify to Strategic Funding (now Kapitus) in 2017.

Coming Soon: The End of Confession of Judgments (COJs) in New York State

January 16, 2019
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cuomo speechNew York State plans to outlaw the use of Confession of Judgments (COJs) in small business loan contracts this year, according to details revealed in Governor Andrew Cuomo’s newly published Justice Agenda.

The proposal, dubbed “Stopping Predatory Merchant Cash-Advance Loans,” is a 3-part plan to:

  • Codify an FTC rule that prohibits COJs in consumer loans
  • Prohibit the use of COJs in small business loans under $250,000
  • Stop lenders from exploiting New York courts for nationwide collections by requiring that any permissible confession of judgment enforced in New York courts have a nexus to business activity in New York

Cuomo’s proposal echoes calls from the State legislature in response to a series published in Bloomberg Businessweek late last year that speculated COJs were vulnerable to abuse.

Both the Assembly and Senate maintain a Democrat majority, the same party as Cuomo, increasing the likelihood that such a bill could become law.

2019 justice agendaThe proposal is separate from a bill that was recently introduced at the federal level. The Small Business Lending Fairness Act, a bipartisan bill co-sponsored by Senators Marco Rubio and Sherrod Brown, call for a nationwide ban on COJs. That bill has not progressed, perhaps due in part to the government shutdown. Like New York, that initiative was a response to the series published in Bloomberg.

A review of Bloomberg’s facts by deBanked revealed highly questionable reporting. In one example, it’s claimed that a business owner had been so victimized by predatory lending that he’d been forced to sell his furniture just to feed himself. deBanked later determined that the “victim” was actually a multimillionaire TV station owner whose account of any such engagement with merchant cash advance companies was incredibly unlikely. The reporters have not responded to deBanked’s findings.

Zeke Faux, who co-authored the series with Zachary Mider, deleted his entire tweet history around the same time that deBanked uncovered strange ties between his editor and the New York Attorney General’s office. The AG is reported to have sent subpoenas to several companies in response to the stories.

Michael Kearns
Above: Erie County Clerk Michael (“Mickey”) Kearns

On Monday, Faux and Mider reported that clerks in three New York counties, whose job, among other roles, is to enter legally compliant COJs into the public record, were revolting by refusing to process COJs submitted by merchant cash advance companies. Though a clerk’s duties is largely an administrative one, two that spoke on the record with Bloomberg were former state legislators. Erie County Clerk Michael Kearns, for example, who told Bloomberg News that he felt that the use of COJs was criminal, had actually drafted a bill in 2017 when he was an assemblyman that sought to regulate cash advances of a different sort in the litigation financing industry. Although Kearns is a Democrat, he has historically enjoyed support from the Republican Party.

Orange County Clerk Annie Rabbitt and Richmond County Clerk Stephen Fiala, who are rebelling along with Kearns by refusing to enter COJs, are registered as Republicans, demonstrating that the movement is crossing party lines.

According to deBanked, less than half of 1% of all MCA transactions have resulted in the filing of a COJ, despite Bloomberg’s insinuation that the outcome is common or typical.

Among the most prolific filers of merchant cash advance COJs, deBanked found, is Itria Ventures, LLC, a company affiliated with Biz2Credit. Itria filed more than 50 in the last two months. Biz2Credit’s CEO, Rohit Arora, is a writer for both CNBC and Forbes.

Why Strategic Funding Rebranded as Kapitus

January 15, 2019
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Kapitus WebsiteToday, Strategic Funding announced the launch of a new brand identity, including a name change. Strategic Funding will now be called Kapitus.

“We had a name that was very well respected,” said Kapitus founder and CEO Andy Reiser. “Everybody loved our name, quite frankly. They loved it so much, they all copied it. You can’t trademark ‘Strategic Funding.’ It’s too generic.”

Kapitus, spelled this way, is not a word in any language, which makes it easier to trademark.

“We wanted to separate ourselves in a way that is clearly identifiable,” Reiser said. “It’s an easy one-word name [that] symbolizes stability and strength. It’s ‘capital from us,’ if you want to break it down.”

Reiser said that the company has been relatively quiet over the last three years, but they have been advancing all along, and they are particularly proud of their brand new ISO portal. According to Reiser, the new portal helps ISOs better understand their book at Kapitus and allows brokers to generate a contract quickly without having to call them. The company has an in-house marketing team, but well over 50% of its business comes from the ISO channel.

Kapitus provides a variety of financial products, including equipment financing (they have an in house equipment leasing division) and factoring (they have a small internal factoring group). They also offer business loans, lines of credit and MCA deals. But the company’s largest portion of its business – more than 15% – comes from its Helix Healthcare Financing product, which finances healthcare practitioners like doctors, dentists and veterinarians.

Unlike other funders of healthcare practitioners that may offer financing terms up to 18 months, Kapitus offers terms of up to 10 years as long as the merchant satisfies its requirements. The company also funds a considerable number of healthcare-related businesses, like medical equipment providers. Otherwise, Reiser said that Kapitus has a diversified mix of merchants, from restaurants to manufacturers.  

Reiser said that about 15% of Kapitus’s business consists of deals above $150,000 for which they have a seperate team. They do deals as high as $750,000.

When operating under the Strategic Funding name, there was a payment servicing division of the company, called Colonial Servicing. That entity will remain, but will be woven into the new Kapitus name.       

Founded in 2006, Kapitus employs 240 people divided among three offices. The headquarters is in New York and there is an office with about 30 people in Arlington, VA, and a Dallas-area office with about 35 people working in collections and customer service.