Cool Stuff | ISO Extinction | Ignorant Media

April 27, 2012
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What’s new in the Merchant Cash Advance arena?

Cool Stuff
FundersCloud is making waves in the industry with their Peer2Peer/Crowdfunding platform. We’ve finally gotten a chance to speak to their team, do a walkthrough, and aim to release an independent review of their cloud next week. However, for the moment we would like to take this time to gloat that another one of our predictions is being proven right.

On December 1, 2010, we explained that the Direct Funder model was quickly becoming a thing of the past. (The Direct Funder Model is Sooo 2009). How many of your friends and colleagues have at some point considered leaving their current job to go and start a funding company? Tired and worn down agents are all prone at some point to say “screw this! I want to be the funder so the agents can send the deals to ME instead!” Now it makes increasingly less sense to start a funding company. Why would you do that when you can just syndicate on your own deals or on the deals of other funders? You can earn the same return they enjoy but without having to pay the nasty overhead. In some aspects, being the funder has disadvantages, unless they’re making a hefty amount on management fees.

merchant valueISOs Facing Extinction
According to an article in ISO&Agent Magazine, it’s not practical to compete on just price anymore:

The internal threat lies in continuing to base the ISO business model solely on selling card services at the lowest price and failing to offer the latest payment technology, Helgeson cautioned the packed session room.

“They should be talking innovation,” Helgeson said of ISOs. “If they’re only talking rates, they’re already out of business”

Basically, if two merchant account representatives walk into the corner deli and one offers to lower the processing rates by 15 basis points and the other offers a state of the art POS cloud that can accept payments through the merchant’s smartphone, home computer, and in-store touch screen device, what’s going to happen? So many merchants have been tricked into higher rates under the guise that their rates would be lower that they’re beginning to tune out the low rate pitch already anyway. They want the technology now.

Could the same issue begin to plague the Merchant Cash Advance industry? In the last two years, new funders have popped up with the strategy to acquire marketshare by undercutting the competition. That works until the next guy undercuts the first guy, and the next guy undercuts the second guy. Pretty soon, we’ll have funders purposely operating in the red just to have a share of the market. Some are bleeding red ink already but not because they want to be. 🙁

They key is to give merchants added value with the financing program. This doesn’t mean trying to sell them insurance and warranties and trying to pass this off as some kind of value. Those are junk costs and extra fees for the funder, not value for the merchant. Anything you can contribute that would drive more customers to their business or make their business operate more efficiently is value.

Ways Merchant Cash Advance Companies Can Provide Additional Value to Their Clients:

  • Provide them with POS software
  • Provide them with SEO services to increase their exposure to customers in search engines
  • Create a custom tailored marketing campaign for them to reach more customers
  • Create and execute an e-mail marketing campaign for them that would be sent to either previous customers, potential customers, new customers, etc.
  • Rent a few billboards and allow merchants to opt-in to have their business advertised on these billboards
  • Copy Groupon
  • Etc., etc., etc.

If you can’t come up with anymore ideas here on your own, you’ll probably be out of business by 2015. If the items you add to this list include ways to make yourself more money and not the merchant, you’ll probably be out of business by 2015.

Ignorant Media
In our own opinion, the petition set up to automatically e-mail the Huffington Post in response to their article about businesses having no choice but to pawn jewelry was a success. The Huffington Post may feel differently because they didn’t respond to us at all.

It figures that websites that receive millions of views daily really don’t bother to care about actual facts or information. They’re entertainment sites and for-hire PR mechanisms. Every time we see a friend’s company mentioned in the news, we shoot them an e-mail or call them up to offer them congratulations on getting noticed. They always respond with some version of, “Don’t congratulate me. I had to pay $30,000 to some PR company to try and buy placement.” Oh well… At least there’s the Merchant Processing Resource to fulfill all your Merchant Cash Advance information needs. 🙂

– deBanked

The ETA Continued… Part 3

April 20, 2012
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Swift Capital ETA 1
Ooo La La! We’re talking about the orange circle in the back that says ‘Pricing as low as 14.9%’. Swift Capital was in attendance at the ETA expo this year and they have been aggressively marketing on the basis of transparency.

Also on the scene was Ilya Fridman, the CEO of Entrust Cash Advance. According to Entrust, “The main focus of his meeting was to come up with ideas for serve merchants in order to better protect their investments. Fridman sat in on a meeting whose goal was to understand the specific needs of merchants in order to tailor a program that will make the cash advance process easier for them and more compatible with their business. Fridman also helped generate ideas about how to protect advance lenders from fraud, which in turn will make cash advances less costly for the merchant, and therefore better for both parties in the long run.

It’s like we said previously, you get out of major trade shows like this what you put into it. Some people scored serious business, others were in town to party.

BTW, we’re playing some serious phone tag with the founders of FundersCloud, the company that unveiled an awesome syndication platform at the show, but stay tuned because it warrants its own individual write up.

Below are some more photos of the ETA Expo in Las Vegas, which have been provided to us by Swift Capital:
Swift Capital ETA 2Swift Capital ETA 3Swift Capital ETA 4Swift Capital ETA 5

See Our Previous 2 Posts Covering the ETA Expo in Las Vegas

More Photos From the ETA Expo
The ETA Bonanza Has Begun! Photos and More.

More Photos From the ETA Expo

April 19, 2012
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The ETA Expo has been quite an experience. ISOs came in droves, with one privately sharing with us that the past two days have generated a tremendous amount of business. Others have used the time less productively and at least one business development manager who sat this year out said he purposely did not go because there was “too much partying last year.”

You get out of it what you put in to it. Tony Syracuse, the Sr. VP of Sales for GBR Funding, is on the scene and says the expo is “a lot better than last year. The venue is a lot better. San Diego’s show was way too spread out.” He added, “It’s a good show overall. [There are] lots of ISO’s in attendance, both from the payments industry and merchant cash advance.”

Tony was nice enough to send us some additional photos of the show:

ETA Expo 2012 photos 1

ETA Photos by GBR Funding 2ETA Photos by GBR Funding 3ETA Photos by GBR Funding 4ETA Photos by GBR Funding 5ETA Photos by GBR Funding 6

Starter Programs For Merchants That Don’t Process Credit Cards?

April 19, 2012
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Just when we thought that Merchant Cash Advances couldn’t be any more accommodating to the small business world, one company is applying the starter advance concept to practically the entire spectrum of merchants. A starter advance, a higher risk transaction than those traditionally conducted in the industry, is a concept that was made popular by 1st Merchant Funding several years ago. While it was still limited to merchants that accepted credit cards as a form of payment, it offered applicants that had been in business for less than a year, had below 500 FICO, or sporadic sales to start with something small.

Capital Stack is now offering a starter advance to businesses that do not accept credit cards by structuring the repayment via direct debit ACHs. Small businesses only need to have been in operation for three months to be eligible. With options like these, it’s hard to imagine how big banks will ever be able to compete. Can they really expect a small business to wait 2 – 4 years before ever getting their first line of credit? That’s madness! You can learn more about Capital Stack’s program by watching their video clip or by visiting their website.

Subprime Lending and The ETA Expo in Vegas!

April 12, 2012
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Are we really still saying “banks aren’t lending”? We are, and apparently everybody else is too, because it’s still true. Time Magazine just published a piece that promotes the idea that bank lending is so dead that people wouldn’t even lend money to themselves. Could this be more evidence that banks are no longer necessary to a recovery or economic growth?

We recently scolded the Huffington Post over an article casually claiming that businesses had no financing options other than to pawn off their jewelry. That led us to create a mini-petition in which many players within the Merchant Cash Advance industry could politely inform them of their omission. We are happy to report that individuals from more than 40 MCA companies have participated in the petition so far. “40?! Only 40?!!” If you think 40 is small, you should keep in mind that there are only so many MCA companies in the country. We encourage anyone who has not participated to do so HERE.

Huffington Post hasn’t responded yet but we expect they will be forced to as the emails keeping rolling in!

Woo-hoo! Vegas!! YEAHH!!! (April 17th – April 19th)

As the Merchant Cash Advance industry has evolved, we find it kind of interesting that the we have adopted the Electronic Transactions Association Expo has our own official trade show. Split-processing or ACH collection are both electronic payments, but we believe piggybacking on other industries could potentially be keeping MCA in the shadows. Whenever there’s a trade show, whether it be payment processing, restaurant associations, or other, the Merchant Cash Advance guys seem to show up but they’re never hosting the event.

Now that the volume of MCA transactions per year is in the billions of dollars, it may be time to starting pulling ourselves out of the booths and onto the big stage. Don’t get us wrong. The ETA Expo is the most valuable place for the MCA space to meet, greet, close deals, learn, partner up, promote yourself, and party, and it’s important that we maintain a big presence there. We can’t help but imagine what could be if wholesalers, equipment vendors, distributors, and retail business owners were coming to the Annual Merchant Cash Advance Industry Expo. Attendees would get pez dispensers shaped like credit card terminals and the candy would be green and shaped like money. As long as we had pez, we wouldn’t need a big fancy dance show:

Thoughts on this anyone? Are you going to be at the ETA Expo? Comment below.

The Media Wants to Know Where People Can Find Loans

April 6, 2012
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Huffington Post ran an article yesterday that claimed the subprime lending markets have collapsed and disappeared. The focus is on personal loans but goes on to explain that business owners have basically no options other than pawn shops. OH REALLY??!!

Huffington Post includes this note in the middle of the article:

Where have you gone when you needed to borrow money and have bad credit? Email

Use our pre-populated form that will automatically e-mail Huffington Post on your behalf.

Subject: Re: Borrowing Money With Bad Credit

Body: Dear Huffington Post,

Merchant Cash Advance financing firms have previously and continue to help small business owners with good credit as well as bad. Every business has opportunities and options to choose from. There are a wide range of costs and repayment options. I am e-mailing you to let you know that [YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE] can help fund businesses with bad credit.

Thank you,
Petition completed through

FORM CLOSED as of 12/12/12.


Terms of form use: You may only submit the form once and you may only enter in your own information. You agree that an e-mail will be sent to Huffington Post on your behalf.

The SEO War Continues

April 4, 2012
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In the last few weeks, Google dropped a nuclear bomb on the SEO battlefield. Some of you may have noticed but no one really wants to talk about it. Who would want to publicize the fact that their website has plummeted from page 1 to page 25 after investing tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to rank on page 1 for a hot keyword? To be the one holding the bag when the bubble bursts has obvious economical consequences but can also be emotionally damaging. So what happened?

In March, Google de-indexed and banned some of the major subscription-based blog networks and effectively wiped out thousands of backlinks for companies throughout the world. Many in the MCA space have secretly been using these networks to compliment their SEO strategy or worse, be the focal point of it. Blog networks such as BuildMyRank (which has been completely shut down) allowed their subscribers to submit up to ten articles per day. These articles are usually a minimum of 150 words and contain at least 1 link pointing to the subscriber’s website. At the rate of 10 articles per day, a company could build at least 300 highly contextual backlinks per month and easily jump in search results over the competition.

We could write 5 articles today with no problem but task us with 300 and we’ll run out of content after 20 and be mentally exhausted after 50. The quality of the content would likely suffer and there would eventually be a point where it was even too cumbersome to produce gibberish. Some of you may think the article you’re reading now is gibberish. 😉

And so the subscription fees were compounded by the cost of hiring writers internally or outsourcing the work. But when everyone in the industry was doing the same thing, the stakes were upped and MCA companies were forced to use new methods. One blog network subscription turned into four and paying for links and issuing PRWeb press releases became the cost of staying competitive, rather than being the recipe to rank the highest. The subscriptions, the labor, the link purchases, online releases, and other costs to stay visible on the Internet have become increasingly material line items on P&Ls in effort to get to Page 1.

But being listed on page 1 doesn’t guarantee clicks or conversions. In fact, if you’re not in the top 3 for a particular keyword there’s a good chance you won’t experience any clicks at all. According to a study performed by Slingshot SEO, humans just don’t like clicking anything but what’s on top.

While some of the MCA companies that relied heavily on the defunct blog networks have practically disappeared from the search results altogether, those that used them in moderation have fallen out of the top 3. Going from position 1 on page 1 to position 5 on page 1 can be practically the same as going out of business.

merchant cash advance marketingInternet marketing became exponentially popular in the MCA space just in the last twelve months mainly due to the seemingly low cost and reported success by online lead generation companies. For small to mid-sized ISOs, spending $100 on a website with Godaddy and trying to get the site ranked organically just seems so much easier and cost effective than surrendering to the expenses of hiring telemarketers, renting office space, running mailer campaigns, billboards, radio/tv ads, hiring multiple salespeople, and buying leads.

But diversifying your marketing strategy is key. Buy quality leads, mix it up with mailers or calls, or go door to door. Just don’t put all your eggs in one basket. As many companies learned in the last few weeks and more will learn in the ones upcoming as all the SEO penalties finally set in, Google runs the show. They can change their algorithm at any time and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. If you’re going to spend a million dollars for a Times Square billboard, make sure there’s no clause that allows them to move it to the middle of the Pacific Ocean. If you hadn’t figured out why your website is generating less leads lately, we’re sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Your billboard was lost at sea.

Read related article: The SEO War for Merchant Cash Advance

– deBanked

Do You Work in The Merchant Cash Advance Industry?

March 28, 2012
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It’s a good time to be employed in the Merchant Cash Advance industry. Without doing any formal research on the sweeteners being offered to agents, we frequently see some of the enticing ads:

Double Commissions!
Share in the Profits!
Get an iPad!

and so on…

But forget the iPad boys and girls because you can go to the freaking olympics! Someone forwarded us this advertisement from Infinity Capital Funding which apparently is offering anyone that funds over $125,000 in deals through April 30th, two tickets to the 2012 London Olympics, free flights, hotel, $2,000 in cash, and a VIP helicopter tour. We’re inclined to believe that funding 125k will enter you into a raffle to win this package considering medium-sized ISOs could surpass that target with no sweat. Hopefully this plug reaches Infinity and they can clarify this for us.

infinity capital funding

The last time we saw a sales prize on that scale was in August 2009, when 1st Merchant Funding was offering a free Mini Cooper to any ISO that funded more than $1 million with them in the span of 120 days. Nobody ended up getting the car.

But not everyone in this business is an agent. There are countless underwriters, portfolio managers, secretaries, assistants, callers, bookkeepers, and other individuals that drive this industry day in and day out. It’s important work and we salute you. That doesn’t stop the account managers, sales representatives, and brokers from getting all the attention though. So what IS IT that these brokers do anyway? It depends on who you ask…

Merchant Cash Advance

This image was created by the staff of Entrust Cash Advance, a veteran Merchant Cash Advance firm in New York City. They’ve been in the industry since 2007 and from what we gather by the image, they’ve got it figured out.

deBanked would like to hear more from companies about any incentives, rewards, and prizes you’re offering. Send any information regarding this to

– deBanked