State of Fintech Lending in Canada Report Reveals Key Information for Lenders

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smarter loansSmarter Loans, Canada’s loan comparison giant, has published its 3rd annual State of Fintech Lending report.

“As Canadians stayed home longer, adoption of fintech products has accelerated dramatically,” the report says, accelerating trends that had already been developing for years. The data is based on survey results submitted by nearly 2,600 fintech lending customers.

While there are dozens of important takeaways, respondents indirectly signaled how valuable it is to be among the brands that are found first by borrowers.

That’s because loan applicants said that they researched fewer lenders than ever before (35% only researched 1 or 2 lenders before applying) and they spent less time researching lenders than ever before (31% said they spent less than 1 hour researching). Furthermore, 51% of respondents said that they only applied with a single provider.

This approach worked. Of those that got approved, 89% of respondents said that they were satisfied or very satisfied with their loan provider.

The trend should signal to lenders that borrowers may simply come to expect a satisfactory experience regardless of where they apply and that there is tremendous value in simply being the first 1-2 lenders that a prospective borrower considers.

And hint hint, it pays to be easily discoverable online. Fifty eight percent of respondents said they discovered their loan provider through online search.

Click here to view the full survey results in Smarter Loans’ official State of Fintech Lending.

Last modified: November 24, 2020
Sean Murray


Category: Canada, Fintech, Online Lending

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