Business Lending

Deal Flow in the Heartland — From Mississippi and Beyond

February 23, 2019
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This story appeared in deBanked’s Jan/Feb 2019 magazine issue. To receive copies in print, SUBSCRIBE FREE

deBanked January February 2019 Cover Snippet

deal flow in the heartlandThe political, cultural and economic abyss that separates the heartland from the coasts seems to grow deeper and wider with each passing day, and trying to reconcile the disparities can feel nearly hopeless. But differences among geographic locations aren’t nearly so well-defined or as troubling in the alternative small-business funding industry. What’s more, business opportunities can arise when localities differ.

First the lay of the land: Members of the alt finance community agree that funders and brokers are concentrated in just a few geographic locales—Greater New York City, Southern California and South Florida. Those three areas probably generate more than 75 percent of the industry’s volume, according to Jared Weitz, CEO of United Capital Source and one of three co-chairs of the broker council recently formed by the Small Business Finance Association (SBFA).

Sorting out how the industry differs in various regions can prove challenging. The Internet is erasing regional quirks and alleviating the need for physical proximity, says Steve Denis, SBFA executive director. What’s more, every ISO and funder develops a slightly different way of doing business regardless of location, he notes.

However, to a great degree it’s a matter of tweaking a single general outline for navigating the industry no matter where the office or client is based. That’s partially because many members of the industry conduct business in every state or nearly every state.

Sioux Falls, SD
Sioux Falls, SD – Home to Expansion Capital Group

That said, old-fashioned, small-town ethics can sometimes seem closer to the surface in shops operating far from the coasts. “We’re focused on the values of our organization—like doing what we say we’re going to do, maintains Tim Mages, chief financial officer at Expansion Capital Group, a funder and broker based in Sioux Falls, S.D. “Some of that maybe comes from the Midwest culture or upbringing.”

Outside the major population centers, the industry occasionally seems a little more “laid-back.” In a light-hearted example of a relaxed heartland approach to the alt funding business, Lance Stevens, an attorney who’s a co-founder of Brandon, Miss.-based TransMark Funding, claims he can underwrite a deal while driving his golf cart and listening to Bon Jovi—all while maintaining his under 5 handicap.

Everything can seem a little more slow in the heartland, where people have time to stop and say hello to strangers, says Weitz. “Some folks are like, ‘Hey, my mailbox is three miles from my house, I check my mail once a week. I do not email. I do not fax,’ ” he observes. “It’s a nice change.”

Interactions are often more informal between the coasts. “Being in the Midwest we don’t use a lot of the lingo and terminology from this space, such as ‘stacking,’” says Austin Moss, a managing partner at Strategic Capital in Overland Park, Kan. That lack of jargon may be good or bad, he admits, but instead the staff speaks in a more general, even “holistic,” financial language.

Then there’s the occasional need for the human touch in the heartland. Deals there are sometimes sealed in person, with an office-park conference room substituting for the community bank building on the town square where merchant used to take out loans. “It’s not a widespread trend, but a handful of the ISOs we do business with actually do face-to-face solicitation,” says Mike Ballases, CEO of Houston-based Accord Business Funding.

In line with that mini-trend, an ISO based in Southern California operates a Texas office that specializes in face-to-face encounters, according to Aldo Castro, Accord’s former vice president of sales and marketing. “It’s rather meaningful here,” he says of using the practice in Texas. “You get on the road and shake a hand. They put a face to a name.”

Overland Park, Kansas
Overland Park, KS – Home to Strategic Capital

The process can work in reverse, too. A few of the larger local companies seeking funding from Strategic Capital make the journey to the broker-funder’s Overland Park, Kan., offices, Moss says. Bankers who serve as referral partners also like the opportunity to meet in person, he observes.

The personal encounters often strike Moss as “refreshing,” he admits. That’s because the vast majority of the company’s deals occur online and by phone and fax—all without ever seeing the client in person.

Although the desire for personal contact arises from time to time, most heartland deals don’t hinge upon it. “It’s not a big number, but we see it,” Ballases says of face-to-face meetings. “Could it be the wave of the future? Absolutely not.”

Moreover, for some in the industry, the need for face-to-face discussions barely registers. It’s just not about meeting in person, according to Mages. Instead, he cites the importance of other factors. “Speed, convenience and service are the key differentiators, and that’s all driven by data and analytics,” he declares. Partnerships also drive the company’s business, he notes.

Luck outweighs geography, too, in Mages’ view. “It’s more an issue of right place, right time,” he contends. Deals occur primarily when funders manage to attract business owners’ attention at exactly the time when capital’s needed, he contends.

old country mailboxBesides, lots of people tend to think in wide-ranging ways these days instead of in narrow, provincial modes, Mages continues. At Expansion Capital Group, he notes, executives have differing points of view because they come from commercial banking, investment banking, the Small Business Administration lending program and the credit card industry.

At the same time, people tend to take an increasingly cosmopolitan approach to their jobs, according to Mages. He notes that executives at his company maintain contacts across the continent, often forged in earlier chapters of their careers.

Meanwhile, well-trained employees can use a phone call to gather the details they need and establish a consultative relationship without a thought for geography or the need for face-to-face meetings, Mages says.

However, geography can indeed play a role at least once in a while. In a few cases merchants prefer a funder with an address across town or at least in the home state. Sometimes business owners and referral partners choose local brokers or funders simply because their names sound familiar.

Strategic Capital, for example, does more business at home than anywhere else, Moss says. The company’s headquarters is in the portion of greater Kansas City that spills over from Missouri into the state of Kansas, making the location convenient to a major population center.

But despite the massive size of greater Kansas City, Strategic Capital remains the only alternative small-business funding option in the area—there just aren’t any other local providers, Moss says. It’s not like New York, where banks and merchants can choose from among many brokers and funders, he says.

That trend toward being the only game in town or one of just a few can hold true for most companies in the heartland, Moss maintains. A broker or funder based in Denver, for example, would probably have higher volume there than anywhere else, he notes.


Several reasons explain that geographic bias, Moss continues. “The employees live there and have contacts, and we’re part of the local associations and chambers,” he notes. “We work with just about all the banks in the area, and everyone knows who we are.” The company also handles local government bonds and local construction projects, he says.

Mages offers a different perspective. Only a few small-business owners in South Dakota choose Expansion Capital Group because they prefer dealing with a Midwestern company or because they’ve seen local press coverage or heard Expansion’s recruiting ads on the radio, he maintains.

Houston, TX
Houston, TX – Home to Accord Business Funding

Hometown, home state or regional preferences aside, executives at Accord emphasize the importance of the small-town approach of knowing their customers as well possible. For Ballases—the Accord chairman who started the company with Adam Beebe, who now serves as CEO—that means combining personal and impersonal approaches to underwriting.

Ballases views funders and brokers as falling into three categories. Some choose a personal, hands-on approach and don’t rely upon algorithms. A second category emphasizes automation. A third blends the personal and the automated. His organization falls into the latter, he says

For Accord, the personal comes into play because of what Ballases has learned in his decades in the banking business. He knows margins and growth rates in his applicants’ industries, and those factors aren’t often incorporated into algorithms, he says.

In fact, commercial banks have failed to learn to evaluate small businesses on their true merits, Ballases continues. Banks tend to underwrite small businesses, which he defines as those in need of $100,000 or less, by using a “skinnyed-down” version of how they underwrite big companies, which they base on general financial information. Instead, he counts on discipline, data and his 50 years of experience in commercial banking to evaluate a merchant on an individual basis.

Pearl Street Historic District in Brandon, MS
Brandon, MS – Home to Transmark Funding

At another company, TransMark Funding, Stevens and his partner draw upon legal and small-business experience to evaluate potential customers’ creditworthiness. “That causes us to focus on an applicant’s business model and their sustainability, which may boil down to personalities,” Stevens says. Transmark combines those factors with “a little bit of credit metrics” to come to decisions on applications.

The company’s mix of objective and subjective reasoning differs starkly from the thought process at most coastal funders, Stevens says. While his company gives most of the weight to the subjective and just a bit to the objective, big-city competitors tend to do the exact opposite, he says.

Of the last five MCA deals that Transmark funded, the merchants averaged 12 checks returned for insufficient funds per month, Stevens says, noting that he can make that statement “with a straight face.” Sometimes it’s been as high as 35 NSF checks per month for successful applicants. “Those people would not even get into the parking lot of a bank and would not get through the door of any MCA funder who’s using any sort of reasonable metrics,” he adds.

An anecdote helps explain the thinking. Suppose a restaurant has been operating for several years in a town of 50,000 and has amassed 2,200 “likes” on its Facebook page, Stevens suggests. “I’m in,” he exclaims, noting that it would take compellingly negative numbers to convince him that the business won’t survive if he helps it obtains capital to improve its positioning in its market.

The vignette illustrates that a business can do well in the community despite the merchant’s financial difficulties, Stevens says. However, the story doesn’t mean Facebook becomes the only determining factor, he continues. Positive factors for success include good location and marketing, he notes.

The principals at many companies funded by TransMark have credit scores in the low 500’s, Stevens continues. “That’s tough,” he says, “because they’re going to have a lot of history of not living up to their financial obligations.” But if someone with that credit score has personally guaranteed a lease on a storefront for the next two years, they may be unlikely to abandon the business. A big bank might look upon that merchant as insufficiently nimble because of the lease, but TransMark takes the opposite view, he says.

Even if a store, restaurant or contractor is “circling the drain” and about to shut down, TransMark may simply believe the owner has the character to make the business work. “Given our minute default rate, we’re right most of the time,” Stevens maintains, adding that banks see applicants as customers, and TransMark sees them as partners.


The business model requires peering into the future to see how the merchants will look after using perhaps $25,000 in capital to make improvements and while dealing with 18 percent holdback for the next six months, Stevens observes. “If they look strong, I need to fund them,” he says of the company’s prognostications.

To find ISOs who appreciate the TransMark model, the company seeks out purveyors of credit card merchant services, Stevens says. They encounter those merchant-services providers at trade shows and through “some general poking around,” he notes.

The merchant-services people often have long-standing relationships with merchants and thus can feed information into the TransMark way of viewing deals. “Tell me what it looks like when you walk into their store at 11 a.m.,” Stevens says to illustrate the kind of conversation he has with ISOs. “How is their signage?”

Besides understanding clients, it also pays to understand markets, and proximity can help with the latter, according to Ballases and Castro in Houston. “We have an affinity for Texas,” Castro says.

Many of the businesses based in Texas are vendors to people—like mechanics who fix cars or restaurants that feed people—not vendors to businesses, Ballases notes. Vendors who cater to people are better candidates for merchant cash advances than business-to-business companies are, he maintains.

Loan Star State
Above: The Texas fintech market, dubbed ‘The Loan Star State’ was the featured story of deBanked’s May/June 2017 issue

“It’s just a huge state,” Castro declares. “We’ve got a thousand new residents moving to Texas every day.” Nearly 10 percent of the nation’s small businesses operate in The Lone Star State, he notes.

“There’s a convergence of the population growth, a low tax rate, low regulations, low cost of running a small business relative to national levels, and a great small-business environment,” Castro says of the Texas scene. “In addition, the healthcare industry is exploding here, and there are the ancillary businesses to healthcare.”

Meanwhile, the state’s Hispanic entrepreneurs remain under-served by alt funding ISOs, which presents a great untapped opportunity, Castro maintains. Funders who cater to those Hispanic merchants will find them loyal, he predicts. In Texas alone, Hispanic consumers spend half a billion dollars annually, he says.

To capitalize on that burgeoning market, Accord has assembled a team that can help Anglo ISOs bridge the cultural and linguistic gap, Castro says. “We do that every day,” he maintains. “We’re jumping on the phone with merchants and helping them get the funding they need to support the growth of their operations.” Those conversations with merchants do not put Accord in competition with ISOs, Castro notes. Accord does not maintain an inside sales staff and does all of its business through ISOs, he says.

Only a few of those ISOs are based in Texas, according to Ballases. Most of Accord’s ISOs operate from offices in the Northeast, with many in the other common geographic spots of South Florida and Southern California, he says. So that makes Accord a national company despite its emphasis on Texas, Ballases says.

Accord’s experience at home, combined with nationwide contacts in the industry, have convinced the company’s leadership that too many brokers remain unaware of the opportunities in Texas.

That’s why Accord is producing ads, videos, infographics, blogs and social media posts to alert those coastal ISOs to opportunities in Texas. The company even offers a tab called “FundTEX” on its website. “We’re getting the word out,” Castro says of the company’s effort to publicize his state.

Besides operating in areas sometimes overlooked on the coasts, heartland brokers and funders sometimes have to reinvent the industry almost from scratch. Brokers can find themselves teaching the business to potential investors outside the Big Three geographic locations, Moss says. In New York, investors already know the industry and use that familiarity to evaluate brokers, he says.


Brokers and funders also have to deal with the heartland’s lack of workers with industry experience. As the lone company in the market, Strategic Capital, for example, can’t find many prospective employees with previous jobs in the business, Moss notes. “There is no OnDeck or Yellowstone or RapidAdvance down the street to provide a talent pool for hiring,” he says.

That’s good and bad, Moss maintains. New hires don’t require re-training to lose habits that don’t fit the Strategic Capital way of working. But it’s difficult to find underwriters, accountants and other prospective employees with the right background. It doesn’t work to put new salespeople on straight commission because the “ramp-up” period takes longer with employees unfamiliar with the industry, he says.

The lack of local experience sometimes prompts brokers in the heartland to tap the Big Three areas for talent. Expansion Capital Group, for example, has a business development director in New York who came from another ISO, Mages says. Besides cultivating relationships in NYC, the business development expert makes frequent trips to Southern California and South Florida.


Meanwhile, members of the industry who tire of the rapid pace on the coasts might want to consider moving inland to fill the vacant jobs, sources suggest. After all, the heartland has its advantages, according to Moss. “Most people here have houses, and the cost of living is lower than in places like New York,” he says. A spacious five-bedroom house in Kansas City might cost less than a cramped apartment in New York, he notes.

To commute to the company’s suburban office, his typical employee jumps into a car in a climate controlled attached garage, cruises for half an hour or so on roads relatively free of traffic and parks in the lot a few steps outside his office building. It’s less stressful than crowding into a subway car, he notes.

The hinterland’s not as culturally barren as some might believe, Moss continues. The public hears “Kansas City” and they think of tornadoes, cows and the Wizard of Oz, he says. But the reality includes a downtown replete with skyscrapers and pro sports, not to mention lots of tech, healthcare and aerospace companies. “It’s like a mini-Chicago,” he notes.

But a retreat from the coasts may not be in the offing. Ballases expects that the majority of ISOs will continue to concentrate on the East Coast and West Coast because that’s where population growth remains strongest and thus provides the most opportunities. “It’s a numbers game,” he observes.

Small Business Funders Court Florists Before Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2019
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valentines dayEarlier this month, LendingTree published results from a survey they conducted about consumer spending on Valentine’s Day.

The main takeaway is that men are planning to spend almost two and a half times more than what their significant others (of either gender) expect them to spend. So there might be some nice surprises today! On average, according to this survey, men plan to spend $95 today for their significant others, while women plan to spend $41. Also according to this survey, those who are engaged plan to spend $92 on their significant other, people in the dating stage of relationships plan to spend $88, and married people plan on spending $57. (The average for men is increased by spending based on generation.)  

Regardless, Director of Personal Loans at LendingTree, Michael Funderburk, said that these amorous expenses are typically not large enough to show any spike in consumer borrowing. Small business borrowing, however, is a different story. As might be expected, there is a noticeable spike in borrowing from florists, among other small businesses that cater to the holiday.

Chad Otar, CEO of New York-based Excel Capital, a small business funder, said that they always fund more florists, chocolate shops and gift shops leading up to Valentine’s Day because these merchants need additional money to buy more inventory. Excel’s team of a little under 20 includes an in-house sales team that Otar said markets to these kinds of businesses in the weeks before Valentine’s Day.

The larger Reliant Funding, which has a sales team of about 100 people, makes an active marketing push before Valentine’s Day to reach more than 13,000 U.S. florists in its database, according to its Chief Marketing Officer Steve Kietz.

“Our business with these firms increases before Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day,” Kietz said. “We see lots of repeat business from those firms as they stock up for peak season. [And] we increase our mail and digital marketing activities to sync with when florists will be most responsive.”

Houston-based Accord Funding, doesn’t have an in-house sales team. Still, its CEO, Adam Beebe, said that while they don’t track submissions by merchant category, they do underwrite florists with seasonality in mind.  

Shopify is Quickly Climbing the Ranks of the Largest Small Business Funders

February 12, 2019
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Shopify originated $277 million in merchant cash advances in 2018, according to their quarterly earnings reports. That figure already places them among the largest small business funding providers nationwide.

Below is a look of how they stack up thus far:

Company Name 2018 Originations 2017 2016 2015 2014
OnDeck $2,484,000,000 $2,114,663,000 $2,400,000,000 $1,900,000,000 $1,200,000,000
Kabbage $2,000,000,000 $1,500,000,000 $1,220,000,000 $900,000,000 $350,000,000
Square Capital $1,600,000,000 $1,177,000,000 $798,000,000 $400,000,000 $100,000,000
Funding Circle (USA only) $500,000,000
BlueVine $500,000,000* $200,000,000*
National Funding $427,000,000 $350,000,000 $293,000,000
Kapitus $393,000,000 $375,000,000 $375,000,000 $280,000,000
BFS Capital $300,000,000 $300,000,000
RapidFinance $260,000,000 $280,000,000 $195,000,000
Credibly $180,000,000 $150,000,000 $95,000,000 $55,000,000
Shopify $277,100,000 $140,000,000
Forward Financing $125,000,000
IOU Financial $91,300,000

$107,600,000 $146,400,000 $100,000,000
Yalber $65,000,000

*Asterisks signify that the figure is the editor’s estimate

With Interest Rates Up, OnDeck’s Cost of Funds Comes Way Down

February 12, 2019
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OnDeck NYSEOnDeck’s cost of funds dropped significantly in 2018, according to their last quarterly report. The rate was 5.6% in Q4, compared to the 6.8% it started off at in Q1.

During the earnings call, OnDeck CEO Noah Breslow said, “We improved the terms and structures of our credit facilities and increased the number and quality of our funding providers, adding new banks and life insurance companies.”

That’s all before OnDeck even closed on an $85 million revolving credit facility with a lender group consisting of four banks earlier this month. The rate on that came in at 1 month LIBOR (currently around 2.5%) + 3.00%.

OnDeck’s loan yield in Q4 was the highest its been in the last 2 years at 36.6%.

The company enjoyed record earnings for Q4 2018 ($14 million) and full year 2018 ($27.7 million). They also had record origination volume of $658 million, a 2% increase from Q3 and a 21% increase from Q4 2017. Their sales and marketing expense for acquiring new customers remained flat compared to last quarter.

Why the Human Connection is Still Important in Debt Recovery

February 10, 2019
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damaged piggy bankThe CEOs and lawyers for debt recovery companies, particularly those in the commercial space, say that speaking to merchants over the phone is the best way to collect money for their clients.  At New York-based Empire Recovery, Managing Attorney Steven Zakharyayev told deBanked that they call this “soft collection.”

“Soft collection is probably the most effective way of collecting,” Zakharyayev said. “You can tie up [the merchant’s] business and freeze their accounts. That’ll bring them to the table. But the human interaction – negotiating with them – that’s where the deals are made and that’s how these accounts are ultimately repaid.”

Most of of the debt collection companies we spoke to have an in-house lawyer that can file a lawsuit against the merchant while also using “soft collection” to get to a settlement. But Dedicated Commercial Recovery, a Minnesota-based recovery firm led by Shawn Smith, who is not an attorney, sees itself as the step before attorneys get involved.     

“We use a rapport-based collections approach,” Smith said. “We try to get to the real reasons why the customers are ignoring our client and come up with a viable solution for repayment.”

Merchants in default are usually not doing very well if they’re on a collections list.

“These [merchants] get pretty beat up by the time they get to us, so the more you can connect with [them] on a personal level, the better.”

Doug Robinson, the attorney at New York-based RTR Recovery, echoed this.

“There’s a story behind every default,” Robinson said. “Most of the merchants want to pay, so they appreciate someone reaching out and saying ‘What’s the matter?’”

Robinson said that he personally calls and emails every merchant and that they have a pretty high response rate with this simple technique. He said that the voicemails of the merchants are often full, but that they will usually respond to his email, where he explains that ignoring him will only escalate the problem.

If the merchant responds and engages with him, Robinson said he can create a payment plan with them, together with his client, that can reduce the merchant’s payments, stop payments temporarily, or change payments from daily to weekly.

Meanwhile, Houston, Texas-based AMA Recovery is often brought on after a collections agency has already unsuccessfully tried to get a merchant to pay. AMA Recovery’s Vice President of Legal Operations Kimberly Raphaeli said that a demand letter is always sent to the merchant, in addition to the use of secret shoppers or contacting neighboring stores to determine if a store is really out of business if the merchant says it is.

Even with these more aggressive tactics, Raphaeli said that calling is still critical. She said that they will move files around the office, noting that merchants respond differently to different personality types. Raphaeli said that by the time a file gets to AMA Recovery, the majority of the merchants have simply decided to stop paying and about 30% are legitimately no longer in business.

Having a merchant go out of business is never a good outcome for a collector.

“You want to keep them in business,” Zakharyayev said. “[…] You want to make a relationship with them where you leave them enough to stay in business but you collect enough that your client is satisfied and they get paid in full.”

While these collection companies all agreed that communicating – one human being to another – is the best way to approach recovery, that doesn’t mean that technology is thrown out the window. None of the companies deBanked spoke to said they use autodialing, but Smith said he uses texting and email technology to make contacting merchants more efficient.

Mark LeFevre, CEO of Kearns, Brinen & Monaghan, a collections firm with offices in Delaware and South Carolina, agreed that technology makes the collections process more efficient.

“It’s important that you combine technology with the [human touch] to be most effective,” LeFevre said. “The technology will allow us to get the client to show what we can do, how we do it and so forth. But once that relationship is gained…we must talk with their customers.”

SBA Processes Significant Loan Volume in Days After the Shutdown

February 4, 2019
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SBA LoanAfter the longest partial government shutdown in U.S. history, which shuttered the Small Business Administration (SBA) for more than a month, SBA employees went back to work on Monday, January 28. At the end of the day on January 29, the SBA had processed 1,100 SBA 7(a) loans worth $500 million, according to Bailey Wolff, Public Affairs Specialist for the SBA’s New York District Office. For context, in all of 2018, the SBA processed $25.4 billion in SBA 7(a) loans.

“It’s a great number,” Wolff said. “We’re back up and fully operational.”

SBA loan funders and brokers have feared that the backlog of SBA loan applications created by a month-long closure of the government agency would cause extensive delays. But it seems that the SBA is processing these loans quite quickly.

“There is a backlog, but applications seem to be moving smoothly,” said Everett Sands, CEO of Lendistry which funds a sizable amount of SBA loans.

Sands now has seven SBA loan applications waiting to get funded. So far, since the SBA re-opened on January 28, none of his applications have been funded yet. (Normally, it takes 1-2 days for his SBA loans to be approved). But Sands said that last week was essentially catch-up week for the agency. If the volume of loans processed from January 28 through January 29 continues at this pace, delays will be minimal.

“We should be back on track this week,” Sands said.

Top Accounting Officer at StreetShares Resigns

January 31, 2019
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Jesse Cushman, who served as StreetShares’ Chief Business Officer and Principal Financial & Accounting Officer, has resigned, according to a Form 1-U filed with the SEC this week. His exit was made effective as of January 1, 2019.

StreetShares president Michael Konson is currently filling the role in an interim capacity until a permanent successor can be named.

StreetShares’ financials have left something to be desired. The company recently reported a 12-month net loss of $6.5 million on only $3 million in revenue.

Fundbox Increases Speed of B2B Transactions

January 29, 2019
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Prashant-FundboxPrashant Fuloria, COO, Fundbox

At the end of last week, Fundbox announced that it has launched an AI-enabled platform for B2B companies at the point of transaction, or check out.

“We’re positioning ourselves to be the PayPal for B2B transactions,” a company spokesperson, Tim Donovan, told deBanked. “And that means becoming as ubiquitous as finding Visa, Amex or PayPal in a B2C checkout flow.”

As part of this new e-commerce feature, Fundox can underwrite companies looking to make a purchase in as fast as 45 seconds, Donovan said. And sellers get paid right away. This, of course, is a boon for sellers, who often must wait to get paid. (Fundbox takes on the risk of potentially not getting paid.) For buyers, Fundbox’s terms are generally better compared to using a credit card, Donovan said. As long as the buyer’s credit is approved, they can purchase inventory on an online platform within 3 minutes.

“This [new feature] marks our evolution from a product-centric company to a platform-centric company,” said Prashant Fuloria, COO of Fundbox.

Fundbox offers a number of small business products including small business loans, factoring and lines of credit. Fundbox is partnered with larger companies like Eventbrite, for event organizing, and QuickBooks, for accounting, to help lend to small businesses that use these platforms.