B2B Finance at deBanked

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murray serhantWhen Broker Fair first debuted in 2018, the keynote speaker was none other than Ryan Serhant, then a fast rising New York City real estate broker and star of Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing. Today he’s got his own Netflix Series called Owning Manhattan.

“After selling real estate for 12 years, I decided to start my own company,” Serhant says in the trailer for the first episode, “and if you can’t sell, you can’t be here.”

That New York hustle attitude was the connecting link for why Broker Fair chose him despite the broker audience being largely engaged in small business financial services at the time. But since then the small business finance broker community has become increasingly diversified in its product offerings and real estate is frequently one of the assets on the menu.

“People will be surprised how many clients have real estate, not just a [primary home], but they own just a small multifamily down the road that they never touched or tapped into,” said Julio Sencion, Principal at Alta Financial, in a recent interview with deBanked.

Companies like World Business Lenders figured that out a long time ago while still more discovered the business during the covid recovery, leading deBanked to produce a video miniseries about real estate investing in the summer of 2021. The guests ranged from real estate influencer Ralph DiBugnara to NestSeekers International’s Chief Economist Erin Sykes to a couple of old fashioned guys named Danny and Bruce who started investing in real estate across New Jersey long ago.

deBanked also interviewed house-flipper turned real estate tech CEO Andrew Luong of Doorvest, did a deep dive as to why real estate was becoming the side hustle of choice in the industry, and even bought real land using the blockchain for the purpose of a story.

Equipment financing has also taken off, leading deBanked to produce the first ever sales reality series named Equipping The Dream in 2022.

That’s been complemented by regular coverage and even sitdown interviews from Andrew Carman, Steve Geller, and George A. Parker.

deBanked’s Sean Murray has previously presented at the International Factoring Association’s (IFA) Fintech educational event, been a guest on the Coleman Report run by renowned SBA expert Bob Coleman, and moderated panels separately for the New York Institute of Credit and the Alternative Finance Bar Association.

Murray was also the host and producer of the industry’s first ever Broker Battle which took placed in Miami Beach this past January.

deBanked is also affiliated with the largest online small business finance community in the US, DailyFunder, and has produced nearly two dozen events since 2017.

“Back in 2018, there was a question that Serhant posed on stage to the Broker Fair audience to make sure he understood where they were coming from,” Murray said. “‘You guys are all B2B right?’ he said, and I think his characterization was spot on, because B2B is pretty much what we’ve been all along.”

deBanked is collaborating with the Small Business Finance Association on the B2B Finance Expo that’s taking place in Las Vegas on September 23-24. For info, visit: https://www.b2bfinexpo.com

Last modified: July 5, 2024

Category: Business Lending

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