MPR Authored

MacPOS Review – Functional, but Ugly

December 13, 2011
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We got the opportunity to test out earlier this week…

It’s okay, not great. The biggest downside is the ugly interface, which gives the impression that the software functionality must also be subpar. While that does not appear to be the case, it certainly is a distraction during the POS experience.

White borders, mismatching shapes, and overpowering Quick Key instructions:

transaction screen

Watch our video walkthrough below:

Review Summmary:
Name: MacPOS
Description: POS system for Apple computers. Not actually made by Apple.
Reviewed by:
Product Reviewed: MacPOS
Date published:
2 out of 5 stars

A Quick Review of LightSpeed POS for Mac

December 9, 2011
Article by:

A quick review by sean himself…

A good friend of mine owns a small shop in NYC and sought my opinion on a new POS system. A lot of folks have been talking about LightSpeed recently so I immediately floated it as an idea. He responded with, “Great! Show me how to set it up.” That’s when I realized I had never actually used it before, nor could I attest as to whether or not it was the solution he was looking for.

So being the merchant processing savvy person that I am, I got a trial copy of the software and fiddled with it for about an hour, when I decided it was just as simple, fluid, and appropriate as we both hoped it would be. I wouldn’t call myself an expert on the software now but I am confident enough to provide an introduction on what it can do.

Below is a 23 minute step-by-step video that explains the software as if you had just purchased it today. It differs from the tutorials on LightSpeed’s own website because I stripped out the demo bundled features they use to show it off, none of which would have any relevance to your actual business. I don’t normally do reviews so hopefully you can deal with my style of instruction. 🙂

Feel free to e-mail me feedback. Visit to learn more.

lightspeed pos

Description: POS Software for Mac and iPhone
Review by:
Product Reviewed: LightSpeed POS
Date of Review:
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

An Inside Look at Who’s Funding What

December 5, 2011
Article by:

The folks at Yellowstone Capital, a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA)  provider in New York City, were kind enough to share their results for this past November. While they are one of the larger players in the direct funding space, they also have joint relationships with other funding sources.

Overall, Yellowstone managed to play a role in distributing $8,456,450 to small businesses in a single month. Individually, it came out to 388 transactions. These figures easily place them among the top 5 largest movers of MCA in the country.

$2.9 Million was partially financed through Strategic Funding Source, another veteran NYC firm. A spokesperson at Yellowstone told us that they are thrilled with the results and proud to play a role in rebuilding the economy.

But their work isn’t done yet! They have their sights set on funding $10,000,000 in December. We congratulate them on their success and wish them the best of luck.


The Occupy Wall Street Million Dollar Question

November 2, 2011
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I pose this question to you Occupiers of Wall Street:

You’re angry, tired, and sick of the rich Wall Street fat cats. Their overly generous compensation packages are evil. and not just plain old evil, but rather,


at least that’s how the word looks on your cardboard sign in red marker. Getting ahead is hard and you want everyone to know it.


But then… a weird stroke of luck happens… Your cousin just got hired by Goldman Sachs and they’ve asked him if he knows anyone else looking for a job. Your cousin mentions your name and they want to set up an interview. The starting salary is $300,000 a year.


Do you go to the interview?

or would that be…


New to the Merchant Cash Advance Industry? Read first!

November 2, 2011
Article by:

Thinking about starting a career in the Merchant Cash Advance industry or becoming a funding source? We’ve compiled some tips from the people already on the inside. Comments were gathered and organized from an insider discussion board at



1. You will apparently need a pair of these:


2. You will need training from those with experience. You can’t get into this market without being familiar with its complexities. Having financial experience, mortgage experience, etc. will help but is not enough to make it without additional training.

– WHAT WAS SAID: “until you learn how each company operates and understand the products, this market is way too competitive to not have support.


3. The market is extremely competitive.


4. Partner up with companies that fit your needs and capabilities.

– WHAT WAS SAID: “You’ll have to find the MCA companies that fit your ethics. They’re all different, good, bad, fast, slow, flexible, inflexible, etc.


5. Offer alternative products. A Merchant Cash Advance is not the right fit for every business. You will need to provide or refer alternatives such as SBA Loans or Micro Loans if the situation warrants it.

Lots of Broken Links have been fixed

October 18, 2011
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If you’ve been frustrated by the broken links on our site, a lot of them have been fixed. Thanks for your patience.

Occupy Main Street?

October 10, 2011
Article by:

We didn’t protest… but we decided to see who was. Nowhere in the strange crowd did we find outraged business owners. Could the occupiers of Wall St. also be fighting against Main St.?

Wall St. bankers might have a lot of money, but small businesses employ the most jobs in America. Chances are if you are unemployed, unhappy, or overworked, it will ultimately be Main St. that will save you. But for time being, nobody is hiring. Business owners are pointing the fingers at banks, citing the lack of loans has stalled expansion. Excuses, excuses…

Wall St. might have perverted capitalism to enrich themselves, but Main St. has done just the opposite lately. When presented with an opportunity, thousands of businesses are unwilling to take the risk. “We’re just holding on for right now,” is a phrase we hear way too often from Mom and Pop shops.

We posed this question to an unnamed ‘Occupy Wall St.’ protester today:

MPR: “If we gave you $10 today, could you turn it into $20? “

PROTESTER: “Hell, I could turn it into $100. You can make money on a lot of stuff going on down here.”

Capitalism lives… It’s the drive and execution that enables someone with $1 to turn it into $2, $5, or $100 in a marketplace. It’s an intuition that Americans are born with, even those with anarchistic tendencies yelling in protest against it.


But something has happened to our beloved Main St.


Opportunities to grow are being passed up, and with that the ability to hire more workers. The rich get richer by investing their capital and taking risk.  In a competitive marketplace, we must always seek out ways to grow, expand, and improve. “Holding on” is not a strategy, at least not one that will lead to hiring. Stability does not prepare you for downturns, nor will it make you rich in the long term. Stability is actually the beginning of a long road that will one day lead you to being mad at those who got rich.

The math is simple. If you turn $1 into $1.10 everyday, while somebody else turns $1 into $2, expect yourself to be very poor by comparison 20 years from now. Whether you have a small retail store or a national franchise, don’t let your guard down, take chances, think big, and elbow your way to the top 1%. You’ll create a lot of jobs on the way.

Once you’re ready to turn $1 into $2, don’t worry about the lack of bank loans, Merchant Cash Advance providers will offer you $1 in return for $1.30. You net the profits and can redo it as often as you like. Naysayers will tell you it’s expensive and it would be if you didn’t invest the dollar. Rebuilding the economy begins with small business. Show them growth, show them jobs, show them how you were born to turn one dollar into two…




Learn about Merchant Cash Advance Here

Some video clips we took while we were at the Wall St. protest:


Your Bank Will Never Lend Again

October 3, 2011
Article by:

When the U.S. Treasury offered $30 Billion to banks to lend out to small businesses, 87% of them didn’t even bother to apply for it. Worse, many of the banks that did apply didn’t meet the Treasury’s qualifications. Critics are labeling it a dud, but we believe it to be a complete disaster.

  • When given the chance to help Main Street, the large majority of banks had no interest in lending the Treasury’s money. How can we expect them to lend their own?
  • The “Treasury said that 40% of banks that applied did not meet the program’s basic requirements,” which mainly consisted of creating a plan to lend to small businesses. Many banks apparently can’t even fake a plan to help small businesses, a sign that the relationship between bankers and business owners may be over for good.
  • The “Treasury said that it worked closely with bank regulators to determine an applicant’s likelihood of repaying the loan.” A risk-return analysis indicated the rate of defaults would be too high, so they would rather not lend at all.


Business owners, if you haven’t read up on alternative financing programs such as Merchant Cash Advance, now might be the time to look into it. They’re easy to obtain, credit score flexible, and available. Many consider them to be a fallback option to a bank loan, but if your bank never lends again, then the term ‘option’ will sound pretty darn good.


– The Merchant Cash Advance Resource