Largest Merchant Cash Advance Funders – A Changing Landscape

August 23, 2011
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Posted on March 3, 2011 at 12:26 AM

Our research has shown the 24 largest Merchant Cash Advance providers to be the ones listed in the directory. Towards the end of the year, many new players have entered the market and we are now aware of more than 40 active funding sources. We may add or amend this directory in mid-April.

The Merchant Cash Advance Resource intends to quantify the industry’s 1st Quarter 2011 activity much like it did for the full year of 2010. Stay tuned. It’ll be interesting to see how this industry is shaping up.

– The Merchant Cash Advance Resource

$4 Million Merchant Cash Advance Funded by Strategic Funding Source

August 23, 2011
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Very reliable sources indicate that New York based Merchant Cash Advance funder, Strategic Funding Source(SFS), has inked a $4 Million Merchant Cash Advance with a big name business in Las Vegas. Without revealing who the recipient is, they seem to be very pleased with the outcome. They reportedly stated, “Strategic provided us with a very unique financing solution that gave us the final $4 million needed to complete the project and launch the company. Without their help and creativity, especially in this difficult economy, our completion may have not happened.”

To date, this would be the largest Merchant Cash Advance on record. It comes as no surprise that  it came from SFS, one of the most experienced firms in the industry. Coincidentally, we recently singled them out in an article (Who is Really Getting a $250,000 Merchant Cash Advance?) as being one of the few firms capable of handling a million dollar deal.

It’s also worth mentioning that SFS is leading the Merchant Cash Advance industry in a new direction, in a way that resembles peer 2 peer(p2p) lending models like Operating under the name Colonial Funding Network, investors have the ability to contribute their own funds towards a Merchant Cash Advance. The account is then serviced by SFS in return for a fee. Small businesses ultimately benefit since this creates a larger base of funds to draw from. To read more on our thoughts on how the p2p model is reshaping the industry, check out: The Direct Funder Model is SO 2009 or P2P Merchant Cash Advance Model Already Exists. To read up more on SFS and Colonial Funding Network, visit their site directly.

-The Merchant Cash Advance Resource

Photo copyrighted by: 123RF

When Average Credit is Better Than Excellent Credit: Data Points

August 23, 2011
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Back in the wild days of Merchant Cash Advance(MCA), credit score was not only unimportant to the underwriting process, but irrelevant altogether. Business owners with FICO scores reaching down into the 300’s were obtaining 150% of their monthly average processing volume without question. That era came to an end and with good reason. Defaults and losses soared and some funding providers went under. If ignoring credit had continued, it may have lead to the industry’s demise. 

In some respects, MCA providers overcompensated by making credit score the only factor, rather than simply incorporating it into the complete underwriting analysis. “FICO Under 500? Declined”, “Less than 550? No thanks!” “Under 600, Don’t bother”. This became the status quo during the conservative years of MCA. And yet business owners with credit scores as high as 800 were ending up in default. After much head scratching, some underwriters began digging a bit deeper. A healthy community burns out all at once in February, an entire industry underperforms, historical cash flow activity predicts survival rate, multiple partner businesses do better than sole proprietorships… While these were just an example of conclusions that could be reached, they’re all potentially part of an underwriting system, a system built on data points. We found a great example on an old personal blog of Jeff Mitelman, the CEO of Canadian based funding source, Advanceit. To quote Jeff, 

“Here’s a practical application of using data points:


Merchant A has a restaurant in PEI, below average credit, a maxed out credit card & has applied for a $25,000 advance in June.

Merchant B has a restaurant in Southern Ontario, excellent credit & has applied for $50,000 in January. 

With this information alone, B is clearly the better decision. 

Now consider this new insight into the transactional history of accounts with similar characteristics that only a knowledge base can provide Advanceit has funded 50 restaurants in PEI, 47 of which have repaid without issue. The two of the 3 that didn’t repay stopped transacting in January. The historical credit card sales of restaurants in PEI peek in July & hit their lowest point in December. 

Advanceit has funded 25 restaurants in Southern Ontario, 18 of which have gone to collections, 10 of which had write offs below the funded amount. Of the 10 losses, 8 of them occurred in March. The historical credit card sales of restaurants in Southern Ontario peek in December & hit their lowest point in February.

When evaluating the same two merchants through this lens, A is a no brainer & B is a recipe for disaster.


A lot of the veteran MCA providers already implement a type of data points system, whether it be an objective scoring model or something more subjective. With the surge of many small ISOs putting their skin in the game and funding their own accounts, this advice should be not overlooked. Without data points, you’re shooting in the dark. Do not forget that your data points need substance either. If the only account funded in the State of Wyoming defaults, that should not be sufficient to cast off all businesses in Wyoming.

Credit is not the only factor, nor is it a solid predictor of the future. It’s a solitary piece of the Merchant Cash Advance puzzle. Don’t believe us? Take it from Jeff, it’s a game of “Learning by Losing.” Do your best.


– The Merchant Cash Advance Resource

Image copyrighted by 123RF

A Merchant Cash Advance Company Says ‘Done Deal’

August 23, 2011
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New York based Merchant Cash Advance(MCA) provider Merchant Cash and Capital(MCC) is putting their money where their mouth is and getting creative in the underwriting process. A far cry from black and white bank methodology, MCC has approved merchants whose businesses have been to hell and back. While financially sustainable in the long run, these merchants faced short term obstacles that required someone to dig deeper, try harder, and ultimately believe in them.

Coincidentally, we got ahold of this right after publishing an article that criticized ‘credit score only’ underwriting models (When Average Credit is Better Than Excellent Credit – Data Points). MCC offers proof of advanced analysis in a promotional flyer, titled “Done Deal.” The challenges include a restaurant that was temporarily closed, a movie theatre facing frivolous lawsuits, and a tough industry with declining sales. While we can’t comment on their success, it’s the kind of work that requires a big thumbs up from the small business community. Countless merchants have surely found themselves uttering these words at some point or another: “If I can just get the capital to get over this one small obstacle, I know I’ll make it. Who will listen to my story and help?” We urge these merchants to keep the faith and find a MCA provider that suits your needs.

It’s also worth mentioning that 2 of the 3 case studies offered by MCC were six figure deals. We recently singled them out as one of three industry giants (Who is Really Getting a $250,000 Merchant Cash Advance?) that were most capable of funding up to $1,000,000. Right on the mark and right on schedule, Strategic Funding Source, another New York based provider, announced the closing of a $4 Million deal just last week.

Remember where you heard it! The Merchant Cash Advance Resource is providing a play by play of an industry that is quickly gaining ground on their distant, overhyped challenger, SBA Loans. The gap is narrowing and businesses are benefitting. “Done Deal!”

-The Merchant Cash Advance Resource

Merchant Cash Advance in California

August 23, 2011
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For no reason in particular, we advise you tread carefully in California.

-The Merchant Cash Advance Resource

Strategic Funding Source Mentioned in the Sun Herald

August 23, 2011
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Merchant Cash Advance Provider, Strategic Funding Source, was mentioned yesterday in the Sun Herald. It was a short article that outlined the $4 Million deal with the Las Vegas Mob Experience at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. This confirms our earlier March 3rd report

NEW YORK — As Las Vegas grew out of the desert sands, The Las Vegas Mob Experience overcame the harsh economy with the same tenacity that captures a lost era, chronicles Las Vegas’ early years and tells the stories of the real men behind the myths.

Read full article in the Sun Herald

-The Merchant Cash Advance Resource

Get 25% Off Your Next Merchant Cash Advance – Funding Coupons?

August 23, 2011
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Still get excited about the coupons tucked neatly into the Sunday newspaper? Savvy shoppers can still spot the special deals. 40% off Post Cereal Products, Buy One Pint of Breyers Ice Cream and Get One Free, and $25 off your next Merchant Cash Advance. Wait….what?

By sheer coincidence, we randomly stumbled across this on the internet:

Get $25 Cash Back Discount on Merchant Cash Group

Merchant Cash Group COUPON

This is as seen on We have witnessed special promotion offers in the industry before, but never in the form of an actual coupon. 

Considering a Merchant Cash Advance is actually a sale of the merchant’s future receivables to the funding provider, one must wonder if Merchant Cash Group would be the one redeeming their own coupon to get an even steeper discount. They are in actuality the buyer in the transaction after all. Food for thought!

Some of you may know Merchant Cash Group as the Direct Funder in Gainesville, FL. Word has it that they are pretty good people. They have not contributed to this article, nor have we informed them of it. We will gladly share any comment they have on this. The same goes for all our readers.

As a special treat, we’re offering this, “Get 50% OFF on Your Next Article Comment!” Limited time offer. Special Restrictions May Apply.

– The Merchant Cash Advance Resource

Upfront Underwriting Fee Scams Still Persist

August 23, 2011
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“Based on what you’ve shared, you qualify for a $50,000 loan, so now you just need to send in the application along with a check for $500 to pay for the underwriting.”  SCAM!

Many Merchant Cash Advance(MCA) sales reps encounter business owners who have been so defeated by scams, that they are skeptical when something legitimate actually comes along. Some MCA providers may assess fees at the time a deal is funded, but at no point should a business be expected to make a payment prior to that. Think about it: If you are paying just for the opportunity to be considered for a loan, what financial incentive would the lender have to actually make loans? They can simply tell you that you have been declined and walk away with the fee.

The issue does not seem to persist in the MCA industry itself, but rather by con artists pretending to be traditional lenders. According to Dun & Bradstreet:

“Be especially wary of unsolicited phone calls, emails, or letters from prospective lenders making claims that sound too good to be true. If a prospective lender guarantees a loan without checking your credit or reviewing your business plan, proceed with caution. Also beware of lenders who cater to applicants with bad credit, pressure you to make a decision on the spot, and lenders who request payment by Western Union to foreign addresses.” Full article From D&B here.

We’re not looking to scare anyone, but you can never be too careful. Most of the MCA providers in our directory are listed with the Better Business Bureau. When in doubt, check them out!

-The Merchant Cash Advance Resource