With Trump’s Freeze on New Regulations, What to Make of the New CFPB Rules?

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President TrumpOn January 20, Trump’s ceremonial display of taking action and signing orders on his very first day might warrant a closer look for those in the small business finance industry. That’s because he signed a regulatory freeze order that could potentially affect rules promulgated by the CFPB on small business loan data collection that have yet to go into effect.

Specifically Trump’s order not only puts a freeze on issuing new rules but also mandates rules be withdrawn if they’ve been sent to the Office of the Federal Register. And then lastly, and most relevant, it orders agency heads to “consider postponing” any rules that have been published or “any rules that have been issued in any manner but have not taken effect, for the purpose of reviewing any questions of fact, law, and policy that the rules may raise.” It asks for a 60-day review period overseen by an agency head appointed or designated by Trump to review and approve the rule.

“Should actions be identified that were undertaken before noon on January 20, 2025, that frustrate the purpose underlying this memorandum, I may modify or extend this memorandum, to require that department and agency heads consider taking steps to address those actions,” the order concludes.

Last modified: February 10, 2025

Category: Business Lending, Regulation

Home Business Lending, Regulation › With Trump’s Freeze on New Regulations, What to Make of the New CFPB Rules?