Did Google Penguin Hurt Your MCA Website?
Google struck again late on Friday the 17th with a refresh of the Penguin Algorithm. As posted on Search Engine Roundtable, the algorithm is still rolling out and will continue to do so over the next few weeks.
Those familiar with Penguin know that it targets backlinks, specifically: paid links, spam links, bad links, the whole gamut. Hit the trigger and your site can virtually disappear from search.
I monitor several keywords in our niche and I haven’t noticed much of a change between what I see now and what I saw prior to the 17th. Truthfully, some of the companies I see popping up now in the first 2 pages are exactly the type of companies I’d expect to see on a list offline. That’s a good indicator that something is going right.
The exact search results are different for everyone but amongst the top 20 results for the search term merchant cash advance, I get:
- OnDeck
- Kabbage
- AmeriMerchant
- Business Financial Services
- Capital for Merchants
- CAN Capital
- Merchant Cash and Capital
- Retail Capital
Years ago through spam manipulation, the first few results were dominated by random lead generation sites like fastcashfunding4unow.com. I see very few sites like that these days ranking well.
If you were wondering where your organic site traffic went in the last week, there’s a good chance you got Penguined. Good luck getting out of that!
Last modified: August 1, 2015
Sean Murray is the President and Chief Editor of deBanked and the founder of the Broker Fair Conference. Connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on twitter. You can view all future deBanked events here.