New Challenge to MCA Legality in New York

February 10, 2023
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new york court of appealsIt’s effectively well settled law, that proper purchases of future receivables are not considered loans in New York State. But a three year-old merchant cash advance case is poised to become center stage for a fresh review of that policy.

At issue is AH Wines Inc., et al. v C6 Capital Funding LLC which the New York Court of Appeals recently agreed to hear. The crux of the plaintiff’s arguments has been that defendant’s purchase of future receivables was actually a usurious loan. The plaintiff was unsuccessful at both the trial court level and appellate level with their case and so appealed to the highest possible court in New York, the Court of Appeals. On February 9, the motion for leave to appeal was granted.

The Merchant Cash Advance Journey from Broker to Funder

February 7, 2023
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MCAAs merchant cash advances have become a popular financing option for small businesses in recent years, it has quickly become obvious how lucrative it can be to make the transition from working the phones to working the deals.

The transition from broker to funder can provide significant benefits: by becoming a funder, you have the opportunity to control the entire process from start to finish. Driving the deals, you have the opportunity to make more money, and can establish relationships with banks and payment processing systems that align with your business goals. You can choose a CRM system that best fits your needs and invest in a strong legal and accounting infrastructure to ensure compliance and accountability. Additionally, as a funder, you have the ability to diversify your portfolio and make informed decisions on the types of deals you want to fund, which can lead to higher returns and more stable growth.

While many brokers have the gift of the gab and expertise to sell the advances, they may not have the necessary knowledge of systems and processes in place to manage the risk and operational aspects of the business to go to the next level. Additionally, funders, more than brokers, have the relationships with banks, CRM systems, collection firms, and legal entities that are necessary to run a successful merchant cash advance funding business. The lack of these critical components can limit the growth potential of a broker.

The evolution from a broker to a funder is not just a matter of expanding the business, but it requires a complete overhaul of the systems, processes, and legal frameworks. In this article, let’s explore the key steps that a broker needs to take to become a successful merchant cash advance funder.

Step 1: Having The Right Bank Account

Having a proper bank account is the first step towards becoming a merchant cash advance funder.

Traditional banks, such as Chase and Bank of America, are not built for the rapidly brave new world of financing options, and instead cater to the old models. If they see (what they deem to be) ‘irregular’ incoming and outgoing payment just as you begin offering your first few deals, they can cause you a lot of stress, and even shut your account.

Researching all the options available before you begin funding deals is crucial to build up your business and to avoid stress down the road.

Step 2: Finding The Best ACH Payment Processor

The best way to accept the daily payments owed to you is by working with an ACH payment processor that understands the MCA space. While some traditional banks do offer ACH ‘pulling’ for free, their service is often tied to the amount you have sitting in your account at the bank, which means it’s not working for you to make more. For example, some stipulate that your account needs to have three times the amount that you’re planning to pull daily, just sitting there. So if you’re pulling $200,000 a day, now you have to have $600,000 just sitting there in reserve, which you can’t use to fund other deals you could be making money on.

Instead, finding ACH payment processors that specifically understand the business and your needs will free you up to strive to collect as much as you can, every single day. While it might cost you a little bit, you have the option to now make that calculation of whether it’s better to have free ACHs or have the money available to fund deals and make money off of. A wise man would tell you the latter is the right way to go.

Step 3: Picking A CRM System

A CRM system is an essential tool for tracking the deals, payments, and collections. There are about 8-10 mainstream CRM systems that cater to merchant cash advance funders, and the choice of the CRM system depends on the volume of deals you fund, the presence of syndicators, and the type of deals you fund.

Pick a system that best serves your needs: how it accounts for sub deals and tranches, whether it helps you identify the best and worst performing deals, and if it generates the reports you need to make the most informed choices for your business going forward.

Step 4: Setting Up Your Legal Framework

Setting up a legal framework for contracts is an important step in the journey from a broker to a funder. A proper legal framework ensures that the contracts are enforceable and protects your interests.

It is worth consulting with a lawyer familiar with merchant cash advance to help you prepare thorough contracts for the businesses you advance, your ISO’s and brokers, to ensure you are secure from any attempts to avoid payment and backdooring on your own deals.

Step 5: Collections

In an ideal world, every deal a MCA business funds would get paid pack easily and smoothly, but frequently, that is not the case. Too often, business owners prove why they needed the advance in the first place, and repeat the mistakes and bad habit that puts them in a perilous financial position once again.

If they don’t pay you, your business will quickly begin to suffer and face increasing cash flow problems if you don’t handle it quickly, so having a reliable collection system is crucial for the success of a merchant cash advance funder. It’s good to ensure you understand your options to give yourself the best chance of recovering what you’re owed, including working with a third-part collections firm. The choice of a collection firm depends on the success rate and the level of support provided. A good collection firm should have a well-prepared collection attorney, provide timely support and have a strategy to collect on delinquent merchant cash advances.

Step 6: Accounting

Proper accounting is essential for tracking the overall health and viability of your company. It’s also especially important if you have a partnership or investment in place.

Better Accounting Solutions has been the leading accounting firm in the MCA industry for over a decade, and seen how successful a company can be when all their books are in order and the tremendous pressure and stress caused when it’s not.

Working with an accountant that is familiar with the industry and systems will help you ensure your business is legally compliant, trending in the right direction, and that all deals are in a good place.

Step 7: Lead Sourcing

You’ve set up the business, now you need customers!

There are several ways to find people and businesses who could use a merchant cash advance from your new business. You could reach out to family and friends, research and cold-contact people online or work with lead-generation agencies who will send you lists of hot prospects. Additionally, if you’ve already done all the previous steps listed here, then you can speak to the people you’re already familiar with in the industry to point prospects your way. For example, Better Accounting Solutions has drawn on our years of experience in the industry to connect new funders with brokers we know and trust.

Typically, if you’re a broker becoming a funder, than you already have the relationships with people who can direct customers to your new venture, but I always advise our clients to avoid backdooring or doing something with even the slightest inference of unethical business practices; its bad karma and can only hurt you down the line.

So there you have it, the seven steps of going from broker to funder, and taking your merchant cash advance journey to the next level. Wishing you the best of luck!

5 Tips for Better MCA Collections

February 3, 2023
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Shaya Gorkin is an experienced attorney and the COO of Monetaria Group, a premier collections agency specializing in merchant cash advance and commercial debt recovery. To connect with Shaya, email

With the benefit of our collective decade of experience working in collections for the merchant cash advance industry, our team at Monetaria Group has come to understand all too well the importance of recovering funds for our clients and all the difficulties associated with that. The MCA sector poses distinct obstacles and challenges for collections; but, by implementing the correct systems and strategies, we’ve found that outstanding payments be recovered, without it having to be a painful and drawn-out experience.

Here are five key strategies for better MCA collections that we have implemented with our clients, that can help you too:

1. Be familiar with the industry you’re being asked to advance.

Often, MCA companies offer small businesses short-term funding in their moments of need. This means that the funders are betting on the business’s ability to take advantage of the opportunity being offered to them and turn the ship around, enabling them to repay the advance without any complications or issues.

To ensure you are giving your company the best chance of getting its money back, it is essential for funders to have an understanding of the industry and the businesses they are working with to be able to evaluate their advance worthiness and anticipate fluctuations in repayment ability.

2. Establish relationships and overcommunicate.

Having strong relationships goes a long way in MCA collections, for both the funders and their clients. Establishing trust and open communication with clients will inevitably lead to a better understanding of their specific needs and challenges. Additionally, it goes without saying that developing positive customer relationships can lead to more successful negotiations and repayment agreements.

3. Be proactive and offer solutions.

Instead of passively waiting for merchants to default, proactively reach out to them to check in and see if it’s time to discuss reconciliation and other solutions. This shows a willingness to work with them and allows for potential issues to be addressed before they become major problems.

4. Utilize the best available technology.

Over the past decade, the merchant cash advance space has seen an explosion in the creation CRMs and softwares to service and assist the MCA businesses. Utilizing these technologies will greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your business and will be a great asset in ensuring you are collecting all that is owed to you. Look for the services that offer the features you need, such as custom reports, client breakdowns, automated payment reminders, online portals for customers to make payments, and data analytics- they are all out there ready to assist you.

5. Have a contingency plan.

Despite your best efforts, some merchants will still default. Having a well-crafted contingency plan in place that doesn’t put all your eggs in one basket will minimize the potential negative impact on your business. This includes doing a very thorough underwriting of the merchant’s business. Additionally, be prepared to explore your options in terms of collecting what is owed to you. This may include selling the debt, restructuring the payment, hiring a qualified third-party debt recovery agency, or legal action.

Having all these in place will more than adequately prepare you for a successful MCA collections experience, and help you avoid all the stress and headaches it can present otherwise.

Reliant Funding Shifts Gears

February 3, 2023
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Reliant FundingReliant Funding has begun a sale of its portfolio, deBanked has learned, a move complemented by some material adjustments internally. For example, posts on social media have revealed that numerous members of Reliant’s staff are suddenly seeking new employment.

A source familiar with events taking place inside the company confirmed that Reliant is indeed right-sizing its team and that funding on balance sheet has paused. Due to its ability to get deals funded off balance sheet, however, January was actually the company’s strongest month ever for originations.

Market conditions and the rapid rise of interest rates may be related to the sudden shift at Reliant, which has been in operation since late 2008. At the time the Federal Funds Rate had dropped to 0% and it had remained exceptionally low until recently.

Lightspeed’s MCA Business is Growing

February 2, 2023
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Lightspeed Commerce, a global e-commerce platform for merchants, reported an increase in its merchant cash advance business in its latest earnings report. As of December 31, 2022, $15.8M of mcas were outstanding, up 25% from the previous quarter, the company announced.

Lightspeed is no small company. It reported $188.7M in total revenues for the most recent fiscal quarter, $74.5M of which was drawn from subscriptions and $107.2M from transactions.

“To further complement our core cloud solutions, we offer a merchant cash advance program called Lightspeed Capital,” the company said in its quarterly statements. “This program provides cash advances to eligible merchants and is designed to help them with overall business growth and cash management.”

Bitty Bets Big

February 1, 2023
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Bitty Advance“It’s a new product, it’s a new pricing structure, for deals that are $20,000 up to $125,000,” said Daniel Dames, VP of Operations at Bitty Advance.

Bitty Advance formally announced at deBanked Connect Miami that they will now be taking on bigger deals up to $125,000. They had started doing a few big deals back in November with select partners but now their new product, known as “Big Bitty,” is in full effect. Historically, the company had focused on microfunding, now known as “Core Bitty,” which they will still continue to do.

Better rates, longer terms, and lower fees is the new approach Bitty is taking with increased funding, according to Dames, and it calls for a bit more diligence on the underwriting and funding side. A merchant interview is required with Big Bitty as opposed to the strictly automated process enjoyed with Core Bitty, for example.

“This is Bitty, this is just a new product,” said Dames. “You submit the same way, you do everything the same way that you’re used to, really the difference is they see the numbers, they see the larger amount, they see the lower fees, they see the better rates, and they see the longer terms.”

Big Bitty isn’t just about doing bigger deals for the sake of doing bigger deals. Dames explained that they witnessed the challenges brokers face when having to send deals to multiple places and they recognized the value of being a one-stop shop for them.

deBanked CONNECT MIAMI 2023 Photos

January 22, 2023
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Photos from deBanked CONNECT MIAMI 2023 are now online. Thank to you all the speakers, sponsors, and attendees that made the day possible.


deBanked CONNECT MIAMI 2023

deBanked CONNECT MIAMI is Thursday

January 17, 2023
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deBanked CONNECT MIAMI takes place this Thursday. This event is sold out and no walk-ins will be accepted.

For registered attendees, please take care to note that check-in BEGINS AT 1PM on January 19th at the Miami Beach Convention Center. The agenda can be found here. The networking reception ends at 8pm.

deBanked CONNECT events (Miami, San Diego, Toronto, etc.) are different from Broker Fair, which takes place each year in New York City.

This will be deBanked’s 5th event in Miami since 2018. It’s the ultimate networking experience for brokers, lenders, funders, fintech, collectors, lead generators, investors, software companies, law firms, and more. Thank you to Bitty Advance for being this year’s title sponsor.