Bankruptcy Court Orders Turnover of NACLB’s Assets

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bankruptcy courtThe Court in Kris Roglieri’s newly converted Chapter 7 bankruptcy has ordered him to immediately turn over possession, custody, and control of his assets including all assets of the Commercial Capital Training Group and the National Alliance of Commercial Loan Brokers conference (NACLB). The order was issued today. The last update from the conference, prior to this order, was that it was purportedly still going forward under a rebranded name.

“If the Debtor is no longer in possession, custody, or control of an Estate Asset, the Debtor is to provide the Trustee with a detailed affidavit explaining why the Debtor is no longer in possession, custody, or control over the Estate Asset and providing details and contact information for whoever is in possession, custody, or control of the Estate Asset,” the order says.

The training group and conference were hardly Roglieri’s only assets. Also listed by name in the order are additional business entities, 20 guns, 7 watches, 33 pieces of artwork, 3 vehicles, and all of his office furniture.

Last modified: May 22, 2024

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