New Jersey Reintroduces Commercial Financing APR Disclosure Bill

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new jerseyMembers of New Jersey’s state legislature are trying for a fifth year in a row to advance a commercial financing APR disclosure bill. Senate Bill 819 was introduced on January 18th. Senate Majority Whip Troy Singleton (D) is the primary sponsor.

Similar to what was just introduced in the Virginia legislature, the bill is mainly aimed at “sales-based financing.”

“Sales-based financing means a transaction that is repaid by the recipient to the provider, over time and as a percentage of sales or revenue, in which the payment amount may increase or decrease according to the volume of sales made or revenue received by the recipient. ‘Sales-based financing’ includes a true-up mechanism where the financing is repaid as a fixed payment but provides for a reconciliation process that adjusts the payment to an amount that is a percentage of sales or revenue.”

Last modified: January 20, 2022

Category: merchant cash advance, Regulation

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