OnDeck originated $462M in Small Business Loans in Q3

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OnDeckEnova, through OnDeck, originated $462M in small business loans in Q3, according to the company’s earnings call. That was up from $400M the quarter before.

“…as we’ve been predicting, small businesses have been beneficiaries of the pent-up consumer demand and the resulting increased spending,” said Enova CEO David Fisher.

Fisher also touched upon the CFPB regulatory inquiry disclosed in the earnings release, downplaying it somewhat as “routine.”

“I want to touch on the CID that we announced in our press release,” he said. “The CFPB is investigating a handful of issues several which were self reported by Enova. We have been cooperating fully with the CFPB as we always do. This is a routine process with the CFPB, particularly in our industry. We’ve been through it with them in the past. As a result, we anticipate being able to work with the CFPB to expeditiously complete this investigation.”

This story has been updated to fix typos

Last modified: October 29, 2021

Category: Business Lending

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