Merchant Cash Advance Statistics for First Quarter of 2011

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The results are in! The Merchant Cash Advance Resource has researched and released funding statistics for the 1st quarter of 2011. Here’s what we found:

  • Funding in California is on pace to drop by a whopping 45% in 2011.
  • Funding is on pace to increase in the remaining states by about 2.5%.
  • The quantity of transactions is on pace to match 2010’s levels.
  • There are more small independent funding providers but the bulk of transactions are done by a few major veteran firms
  • An average deal funding size of $25,000 may not be appropriate. Most of the largest providers have ramped up “starter advance” operations, which normally involve transactions that range from $1,000 to $10,000. Therefore the average deal size is being averaged down and this will probably cause overal funding output in 2011 to be lower than 2010.

Take a look:

Merchant Cash Advance Statistics for First Quarter of 2011

– The Merchant Cash Advance Resource

Last modified: February 21, 2013
Sean Murray

Category: merchant cash advance, MPR Authored

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