Pending Florida Law Draws From DailyFunder’s Rulebook

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Florida’s impending disclosure law is not so unique after all. As one user pointed out, Florida’s plan to require that brokers disclose their actual address and phone number in any advertisement is actually a copy & paste of a rule on DailyFunder.

On October 24, 2015, for example, DailyFunder declared that any company soliciting business would have to disclose their physical address and phone number. The rule was stickied in the Promotions subforum and is the first thing shown to users visiting that area.

dailyfunder rule

This phone number and address requirement did not appear in commercial financing disclosure laws passed by other states yet it reared its head in Florida’s bill, a state with a strong user base of DailyFunder users.

The bill is currently awaiting the signature of Governor DeSantis. If enacted, the DailyFunder rule as a legal statute would be the first of its kind.

Last modified: May 17, 2023
Sean Murray

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