Fintech Nexus AKA LendIt Discontinues Its Large-Scale Event Business

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lendit oldFintech Nexus, which began as the LendIt Conference in 2013, announced it is exiting the large-scale event business after a 10-year run.

“This is not a decision we took lightly,” wrote co-founder Peter Renton in a blog post. “We know many of you have loved coming to Fintech Nexus events for many years. And we have loved bringing you those events. But after 10 years of doing that, it was time to move on to the next chapter.”

Fintech Nexus plans to focus on its online digital media business going forward.

Fintech Meetup, a recent rival to Fintech Nexus, is acquiring Fintech Nexus’ sponsors, exhibitors, and attendees.

Last modified: June 29, 2023

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