Business Lending

Upstart Funded $9M in Small Business Loans in Q3

November 8, 2022
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upstart websiteThey’re known as a consumer fintech lender but last quarter Upstart also originated $9M in small business loans. It’s a new market it entered into this past June that coincided with revelations that the company is struggling in its core lending divisions due to adverse market conditions that led to a 90% drop in its stock price. Nevertheless, despite just laying off 7% of its workforce, Upstart sees small business lending as a growth opportunity.

“Well now we’re close to $10 million in loans originated and the team is rapidly shipping improvements as we look to refine that product,” said Upstart CEO David Girouard during the quarterly earnings call. “While the financial impact of these upgrades to our products is muted in the current environment, we’re confident that they’ll set us up for a giant leap forward once the economy and credit markets normalize.”

Upstart considers small business lending to be a $644B/year market, according to the quarterly earnings presentation. When questioned if it made sense to be investing in this business versus just trying to manage expenses in the near term, Girouard said “the way we think about that is we would like to, to the extent possible, continue to invest or even increase investment in the future products because that’s obviously what our franchise is built on and what will lead to significant growth in the future.”

Upstart set a record in Q3, claiming that 75% of all the loans made on its platform during the quarter required no human intervention.

Square Funds $1.14B in Q3

November 5, 2022
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Square in San FranciscoSquare Loans, a subsidiary of Block, originated 126,000 loans for a total of $1.14B in Q3. The company has a positive outlook on the state of its lending business, saying that “Square Loans achieved strong revenue and gross profit growth during the third quarter of 2022.” Overall, originations grew by more than 10% over the previous quarter.

Square Loans is one of several lenders thriving during this period of economic uncertainty. Rivals Enova and Shopify Capital also recently reported strong business loan results.

National Funding is Venturing into Automated Lending

November 3, 2022
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national funding officeNational Funding did more than just survive the pandemic. Already in 2022 the company upsized its credit facility, invested in Finova Capital, closed on a $125M ABS, and now more recently is going full force into automated lending.

The new initiative that aims to build off of National Funding’s 20 years of experience will be led by Rob Rosenblatt, a seasoned fintech veteran that previously worked for American Express, Chase, Citi, Kabbage, and Behalf.

National Funding will still do business as it has previously but Rosenblatt said that his separate division, formally organized as Business Loan Center, LLC, will differ in that it will be fully digital to the point that borrowers won’t have to engage with a human being if they don’t want to when accessing capital. The self-serve automated experience that takes a customer from application to approval in a matter of minutes is admittedly not a new concept in that of itself, Rosenblatt concedes, but he believes National Funding is equipped to do it better than the rest.

“…what we hope to do that’s unique is, first of all, leverage all of the learnings that National Funding has because they’ve been in business for over 20 years,” Rosenblatt said. “Number two is create a superior technological experience which will help with speed and user experience because we’re brand new, so we won’t in any way be beholden to systems of the past. Third is really be aggressive in our use of alternative data.”

Rosenblatt also emphasized that they will create a “world class user experience” and he expressed his belief that there is more than ample room for a new player to enter this market.

“Dave Gilbert, the founder of National Funding, and Joe Gaudio, who’s the president and COO, they became in the course of our conversations very firmly convinced that there’s a huge opportunity to better serve large swaths of the small business universe that maybe today aren’t quite being served fully by the suite of products that are out there,” Rosenblatt said.

Enova CEO: We’re seeing competitors pull back on originations

October 28, 2022
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enovaEnova’s small business loan originations hit $807M in Q3, according to the company’s latest quarterly earnings report. That’s up significantly from Q2’s total of $679M.

Despite the nation’s economic headwinds, the company said that credit quality across their portfolio remained solid and that SMB originations would continue to grow as a percentage of Enova’s overall business thanks to “strong demand and strong unit economics.”

“On the competitive side, we are seeing both consumer and SMB competitors pull back meaningfully on originations as they struggle to manage both credit and their loan portfolios and access to capital, problems that we are not experiencing,” said Enova CEO David Fisher. “Demand has also remained strong for our SMB products. Small business government stimulus has been exhausted, and we believe that we’re seeing additional tailwinds as banks have tightened credit, resulting in high credit quality borrowers who may have otherwise gone to a bank coming to us.”

Fisher attributed Enova’s unique ability to manage the economic circumstances to “deep experience, sophisticated and proven machine-learning-driven analytics, diversified product offerings, strong balance sheet and [a] world class team.”

Notably, Enova has also been emphasizing its shorter-term products and paying attention to segments of the SMB market likely to cause trouble.

“Construction has been a place where we really started backing away from three or four quarters ago, which was a great decision in hindsight,” Fisher said. “Trucking has been a complete mess. That whole industry is just messed up between fuel prices and supply chain issues, both affecting ability to repair your trucks and also keeping trucks full. I mean, that industry is just a complete mess. So we backed away from trucking very early this year as well.”

In The Wake of Hurricane Ian

October 21, 2022
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palm treesThe last week of September was pretty ugly for Floridians with Hurricane Ian hitting numerous cities like Fort Myers, Naples, and Tampa, to name a few. With 2.8 million small businesses making up the Sunshine state, many experienced power outages, flooding, and other physical damages. For the small business finance industry, natural disasters are always a possible challenge that they’ll have to contend with.

Jordan Fein, CEO at Greenbox Capital, knows firsthand how to deal with natural disasters during hurricane season. The Miami-based funding provider has been in business since 2012 and has experience with funding businesses in tropical areas like Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

“We’re now at a point where we feel that we do it among the best on how to handle these kinds of situations in terms of being able to meet our customers’ needs, especially during times of duress,” said Fein.

Flooding, wind damage, and trees fallen over on buildings and properties is what Tarneisha Peters, Regional Director of West Florida at Black Business Investment Fund (BBIF), has seen in her area of South Tampa. Many people have lost power for up to 4 days, affecting not only small businesses but staff members as well. And while the extent of the storm’s effects on some merchants are still unknown, Peters hopes the variety of program mentorship and training will help their clients remain resilient in the wake of the hurricane.

“Over 500,000 people experienced outages in the Tampa Bay area, as well as our staff in the Orlando area, including some of our clients,” said Peters. “Our goal is to support BIPOC business owner’s resiliency, so that they are prepared and able to navigate challenging circumstances that may come their way.”

Hurricane FlorenceMark Kane, CEO at Sunwise Capital in Boca Raton, has seen a fair number of hurricanes since he started his business in 2010. His company has even had to relocate to Orlando before just to have internet in order to work. Businesses that are a true “brick and mortar,” as Kane described, may not have the luxury of moving elsewhere. But before immediately knowing which angle to help clients, Kane tries to look at it from a couple different angles. What was the impact of the damages? What exactly do they need? And how can they accommodate those needs?

“I think it has to be looked at from a number of different levels,” said Kane. “So, what was the total impact? Is it ‘hey, I’m done, I’m out of business?’ or ‘hey, I need a break, because our business is slow, or we haven’t reopened, and I’m not able to make the payments.’”

Meanwhile, impacted businesses may be eligible for Business Physical Disaster Loans as well as Home Disaster and Economic Injury Disaster Loans. For physical damage, the deadline to apply for a loan ends November 28th and economic injuries the deadline ends June 29, 2023.

“BBIF is an SBA lender,” said Tarneisha Peters, who added that the SBA was a great partner of theirs. “[The SBA provides] disaster related support, guidance and business assistance to help provide relief when it is needed most.”

A Glimpse Into Amazon Lending

October 16, 2022
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amazonWhen Amazon revealed it had made more than $1 billion in small business loans in 2018, many people were stunned to find out they had become so active as a lender. But other than marketing it to sellers on their own platform, the company has not attempted to draw much attention to it. They have, however, regularly disclosed “seller receivables” which are defined as “amounts due from sellers related to [their] seller lending program.” Assuming the company has consistently kept their loans on balance sheet and kept loan terms steady, one can drawn their own conclusions about the trajectory of its loan program.

Below are the loan receivables as of year-end for each year except for 2022.

2016: $661M
2017: $692M
2018: $710M
2019: $863M
2020: $381M (covid)
2021: $1B
2022 (Q2): $1.3B

Loan receivables dropped significantly during covid and are most recently at their highest level ever, almost double what it had been in 2018.

In addition to its own Amazon Lending product, Amazon is also offering loans through Lendistry and lines of credit through Marcus by Goldman Sachs. The Lendistry relationship, which piloted last year, resulted in $35M being loaned to more than 800 sellers. Because of its success, Lendistry now plans to loan $150M to Amazon sellers over the next 3 years.

The Marcus by Goldman Sachs relationship is notable because it marks Marcus’ first foray into small business lending.

Rapid Finance Has Evolved Into a Three-Piece Business

October 12, 2022
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Rapid FinanceHistorically, Rapid Finance has been a lender, but over the last few years the company has expanded into other areas including portfolio servicing and technology. It’s a three-piece business, one that now includes a new wholly owned subsidiary, Thrive.

Thrive is described as an end-to-end digital lending platform that can be used by banks, credit unions, or other organizations to offer small business loans faster and easier to their customers.

Kunal Sehgal, co-founder and CEO at Thrive, said that Thrive’s technology can handle everything “from the application intake, to actual data collation and aggregation, to underwriting to decisioning, to origination to closing, and then servicing as well.”

The product gives Rapid a unique tool in its arsenal, given the company’s background. Will Tumulty, CEO at Rapid Finance, explained that Thrive’s technology will be greatly enhanced by Rapid’s own experience in the lending business.

“If you want to do a partnership with Rapid [through Thrive], you’re not just signing up for software,” Tumulty told deBanked. “You can get software, you can get potentially balance sheet access, you get expertise in servicing and credit management that Rapid has developed over more than 15 years in small business lending. And we think that’s a big difference for companies that are looking for a partner to help them get into the small business lending space.”

The acquisition was announced on October 3rd at American Banker’s Small Business Banking conference and is part of Rapid’s recent corporate rebrand and restructuring, which includes a new logo and website.

IOU Financial Sets Internal Loan Originations Record for Q3

October 4, 2022
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IOU FinancialIOU Financial is showing no signs of slowing down. The company announced Q3 loan originations of $74.2M on Tuesday, up from $59.M in Q2. Altogether, IOU has originated $192.7M in 2022 so far.

“IOU’s strong Q3 2022 loan originations and progress towards its strategic goals makes us cautiously optimistic about delivering on the high end of our guidance,” said Robert Gloer, President and CEO, in a statement. “IOU Financial continues to execute on its strategy substantially growing loan originations while investing in technology and product innovation.”

The company has projected total originations of $220M – $260M by year end. That would be significantly higher than the $161.5M originated last year.