AMEX: ‘We’re not seeing small businesses spend more’

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amex“We’re not seeing existing small businesses spend more than they spent the year before,” said Stephen Squeri, CEO of American Express, “And that’s not an American Express phenomenon, that is an industry phenomenon.”

Squeri, who was speaking on the company’s Q4 earnings call, was answering questions about what they’re seeing with small business customers. Although spending in particular is not increasing, they still want loans and cards. “As far as card acquisition within small businesses, that still remains strong,” he said. “As far as small businesses, looking at our platform, and looking at our loans, and so forth, that remains strong. And the credit quality remains strong.”

The trend is not concerning to American Express, who explained that write-off and delinquency levels were actually lower now than they were before the pandemic, despite ticking up just a little bit higher.

Last modified: January 28, 2024

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