B2B Finance Expo Poker Tournament Details

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B2B Finance ExpoSeats for the B2B Finance Expo Poker Tournament are almost full. The non-cash competition is happening on the evening of September 22 from 7pm – 10pm PT at The Wynn Las Vegas. Anyone registered for the conference is eligible to register for the tournament while seats last. The grand prize is a 14k gold B2B championship bracelet, an optional interview for a story about your company on deBanked, and a few other goodies. The tournament is an excellent way to network with potential partners and peers while sizing up the competition!

Location: The Wynn Las Vegas – Pomerol Ballroom + outdoor patio

The entry fee is $100 (select the poker tournament at checkout). 100% of the revenue collected from the entry fees will be donated to GreenLedger, a new non-profit initiative to curtail predatory debt consolidation companies in the small business finance industry.

“GreenLedger’s mission is to work directly with our small business clients to stabilize their revenue-based financing debts and avoid defaulting on their agreements, eliminating the need for potentially predatory middlemen and bad practices of debt consolidation.”

Anyone who wishes to watch but not play can attend FREE. There will be a bar there.

Last modified: September 17, 2024
Sean Murray

Category: Uncategorized

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