Prosper Continues to Chug Along

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Prosper originated $512.2M in consumer loans in Q2 of 2024, which was down 14% from the same period last year. This was “primarily due to the reduced usage of our Warehouse Lines to purchase loans, as well as decreased third-party investor demand,” the company said in its quarterly report.

Prosper rates its borrowers from AA (best) to HR (worst). They are AA, A, B, C, D, E, HR. Twenty two percent of their borrowers in the first half of 2024 were given a B rating. 15% had an E rating and only 10% had a AA rating.

Overall, Prosper has been chugging along, generating an insignificant net loss of only $500,000 for the quarter. The fact that it supplies public quarterly reports is unique in that the company is not public but continues to sell notes to retail investors, making it more-or-less the only remaining peer-to-peer lender to remain from what is now a bygone era.

Last modified: August 18, 2024

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