Go West, MCA Broker

If you check out the deBanked forum, one of the latest discussions originated from a self-described newbie business owner who wants to know, ‘What separates a successful ISO from the rest?’ The user, who calls himself jellyfish capital, asks the deBanked universe:
“I’m trying to figure out what the variables are that would dictate a successful brokerage/ISO vs. a shop that has a ton of turnaround and doesn’t make any money and ultimately ends up shutting its doors.”
The answer just might lie in the types of financial products the broker can sell.
MCA Broker Shift
Noah Grayson is managing director and founder of South End Capital, a commercial and investment residential real estate lender launched in 2009 that also started doing SBA loans and MCA consolidation loans in recent years to help out merchants with stacked MCA positions. Grayson pointed to a shift in the types of brokers signing up with the Encino, Calif-based lender.
“We’ve noticed a large number of brokers signing up with us are coming over from the MCA space. They’ve relayed to our staff that competition is too stiff to make enough money only originating MCAs, and they are looking for other avenues to bring in revenue,” Grayson said.
Indeed, South End Capital has seen an influx of brokers from the MCA industry gravitating their way. In fact, there has been more than a 10 percent spike year-to-date versus the same period last year in the number of brokers that discovered South End Capital through some form of Internet origin, such as deBanked, versus a targeted ad in a real estate related publication or through more traditional real estate origination means.
“What we’re hearing from our MCA industry referral partners is that their[customers] now want any option other than an MCA. These brokers are coming to us now because they are trying to evolve their businesses to stay afloat. Offering real estate or SBA loans has proved to be the next logical step for these brokers and it has provided a big bump to our business,” said Grayson.
As in any industry, making a career change can introduce unexpected challenges. A hurdle for the brokers, particularly as it relates to making the jump to commercial real estate lending, has been unrealistic expectations.
“Many MCA brokers have an expectation that real estate or SBA loans will work similarly to an [MCA], but it’s a more involved process. There’s more documentation and more moving parts to understand. There has been a big learning curve for a lot of these brokers — some have been willing to learn and are excited about the opportunity. However, many MCA brokers have proven extremely resistant to change and unable to adapt” noted Grayson.
There are hurdles facing the MCA industry, too.
Merchant Motivation
So what’s driving the shift? Small businesses, some of which are saddled with short-term obligations, have begun to realize that thanks to the rise of alternative lenders they have more options. Meanwhile unscrupulous collection agencies are throwing a monkey wrench into the situation, making it trickier for merchants to gain access to cash advances.
David Soleimani, CEO of LendFi Corp, said a major setback for the MCA industry has been the interference of collection companies convincing good paying merchants to default and cut their payments in half. By negotiating payments with a third party, merchants essentially become blacklisted from receiving any further MCAs.
LendFi senior account rep Jonathan Meyer specializes in cash advances, term loans, equipment leasing and lines of credit. He’s noticing a trend of more MCA brokers expanding their line of business in the last year.
“Companies are overextended [with cash advances.] It’s a problem,” said Meyer. “If everything is perfect, we can do a term loan or a line of credit if it falls under certain criteria.”
One small business came to LendFi’s Meyer recently and as a result saved himself a lot of cash. “I consolidated someone’s loan recently. I got him a term loan and saved him $14,000 a month. He had two loans at $110,000. I got him a term loan for $165,000 and he saved $14,000 a month. He was paying $22,000 per month,” said Meyer, adding that he also consolidated the payments from a daily to a monthly schedule. “That’s a huge savings,” he said.
For all of the twists and turns that may be up ahead for brokers and merchants alike, one thing seems clear. The MCA industry isn’t going anywhere.
“There will always be a [customer] whose only option is an MCA, and it has its benefits for many. For example, the only way to get business funding in one or two days is with an MCA. However, I think the reasons why someone would need an MCA are becoming fewer and fewer as other more viable financing options emerge,” said Grayson.
Last modified: August 12, 2018