Words Matter in Contracts (And everywhere else)
The Counselor Library conference powered by law firm Hudson Cook LLP was a big hit in Baltimore this week. While focused on consumer lending, they held a special one-day program on merchant cash advance and small business lending. The topics and discussions were off-limits to press reporting but what was largely visible on the exhibition floor was the Merchant Cash Advance Basics training course.
Recent merchant cash advance case law suggests that it is of critical importance for sales reps and underwriters to be knowledgeable of their own products. To be specific, the words you use to communicate with merchants over emails, on the phone and in your contracts should always be consistent and in compliance with applicable laws. What you write on forums and the promises you make in your ads should also pass legal muster.
Even if you consider yourself to be an industry veteran, the Merchant Cash Advance Basics course should refresh your memory on fundamental industry practices. If you are a newcomer, consider Merchant Cash Advance Basics an absolute necessity.
Hudson Cook, LLP has established itself as a leader in the MCA legal arena and we were proud to participate in their event.

Sean Murray is the President and Chief Editor of deBanked and the founder of the Broker Fair Conference. Connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on twitter. You can view all future deBanked events here.