The Merchant Processing Resource is not Hiring

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We’re a little confused but also flattered at the same time. In fact we’re not sure what sparked it but about 6 months ago, we received our first job application. We politefully responded that the Merchant Processing Resource is not an employer, nor are there any paid positions. Since then, the resumés have been pooouuurrrring in.

A quick glance at our inbox reveals a flow of about 10 resumés a week. Great news: You’re All Hired! Pay starts at $0 an hour.

Our site itself is dedicated to reporting on the industry, not actually profiting from it. One thing we can offer to anyone, is the ability to write an article, story, or share any information related to merchant processing or merchant cash advance with the rest of the universe on our site. You can send them to No self promotional materials please.

As for jobs, there are plenty out there and we constantly update opportunities to help those seeking positions. Check it out if you haven’t already:

Merchant Processing Jobs

Merchant Cash Advance Jobs

Thanks anyway!

– deBanked

Last modified: February 21, 2013
Sean Murray

Category: MPR Authored

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