What’s On The Industry’s Desk?

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desks“Just personalize your desk for others to recognize your space,” said Maria Pappas, Chief of Sales at Landfall Media Group.

On a typical day, individuals spend eight hours at their desk, another eight attending to tasks after leaving it, and the remaining eight hours asleep. Now this breakdown may vary from person-to-person, but it generally holds true. The office really is like a second home.

For Maryam Raya, an ISO Representative at JRG Funding, she’s currently awaiting the arrival of a piano fixture that she plans to place on her desk. As a professionally trained concert pianist, it will hold special value for her. But she’s got another classical way of jazzing up her workspace as well.

“I also absolutely love flowers and have brought bouquets on occasion to the office,” said Raya. “That’s definitely a personal touch.”

Meanwhile, Sharon Guiliano, COO at Triton Recovery LLC, believes it’s crucial for her to inspire and motivate a positive vision of success to foster a culture of positivity within her company. This is the reason she keeps her workspace with numerous motivational items. Among those is a succulent marble vase representing devotion, growth, loyalty, focus and prosperity. In one corner of her office, she even has a Birds of Paradise plant as a representation of maintaining a positive perspective on life.

“I have motivational items in my workspace that say, ‘Stay Positive, Work Hard, Make it Happen’ and ‘Live in the moment,’” said Guiliano.

For Pappas at Landfall Media Group, she keeps a fidget spinner nearby to divert her from distractions that ironically has turned into a distraction itself. And along with a photo of her kids, she has a lucky duck figurine gifted to her from her daughter displayed in front of her monitor.

“I also have my Nespresso machine for midafternoon to pick me up,” said Pappas. “Most importantly, pictures of my kids for motivation.”

Pappas’ male colleagues struggle to grasp the concept of having mascara readily available but Pappas takes it further by keeping various items within reach at the office, such as a toothbrush, floss, lipstick, and hair ties. Raya of JRG Funding, meanwhile, also always keeps her two essential items within sight. “I always carry lip gloss and a hairbrush,” said Raya. As for Guiliano, in addition to hand lotion and sanitizer, she also has promotional swag on her desk from events she’s attended.

“I do like to keep marketing items I’ve collected through the years from attending the deBanked events,” said Guiliano.

Last modified: November 3, 2023
Anaya VanceAnaya Vance was a reporter for deBanked.

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