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Endlich ein Spiegelschrank, der all meinen Ansprüchen gerecht wird! Der Schrank von Planetmoebel ist nicht nur super praktisch, sondern sieht auch noch richtig gut aus. Die Verarbeitung ist hochwertig und die Beleuchtung sorgt für ein angenehmes Licht im Bad. Kann ich jedem nur empfehlen:
Franchise Company
I have a franchise company in TX that is coming off a MCA that they completely paid off
Here is the situation
They were a previous default so they just finished paying off this default loan program
The company that funded them took one extra payment and did not reimburse him
They will not issue a zero balance letter to him because they are trying to keep him in house
They want to renew him for 80k after funding him 40k
This is NOT the first client that they have pulled more than one payment on accidentally (apparently they have a stacking fee clause
This franchise company does 300-500k a month
I want to briong him somewhere else
Anthony 347 439 8710
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