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  • $3000/month revenue - Anyone?

    I have a business owner that hasn't been able to get approved with anyone else he's worked with so far. I understand why... his revenue is only $3,000/month. But... he has 8 years in business. His info is below. I know I'm reaching, but I told him I'd ask around. Anyone have any ideas, or lenders out there who will take a look at an app on this guy? Thanks.

    Business type: Welding
    Time in business: 8 years
    Monthly Revenue: $3,000
    Credit score: 500
    Purpose of funds: Equipment upgrades
    Funds needed: Anything will help - My thought is if I can help him now, and his business grows, we'll be able to get him more in the future. So this is just a way in essentially to create a connection.

    Any thoughts folks? I know I'm reaching on this one, but god knows I don't know everything! LOL. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Your client needs credit repair regardless of what they can get. I may be able to help them out in that aspect. Afterwards, if your client is still employed, I can get them a personal loan based off there W-2s.

    Keith Lloyd


    • #3
      has he been setup with any net-30 accounts to build business credit?


      • #4
        Whats the client looking for? I'll offer 1.2K over 50 days at a 1.599 based on the info you provided.

