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  • "No" Is The Way - Part II


    Sales is a high rejection game, and hearing “no” often at every step of the Sales Process is just part of the field of play.

    Hearing “no” could be the obstacle that convinces us to head back with our tail between our legs.


    “No” is the obstacle that can motivate us to change our approach and advance Forward.

    Hearing it is an opportunity for a deeper understanding of the merchant’s needs, and what can get the deal done:

    What is driving it?

    What is the true hesitation?

    What is really holding the client back?

    What is needed to convert it to a Yes?

    TOPO conducted a B2B sales research study in 2016 and found these fascinating stats:
    • 80% of prospects say “no” four times before they say “yes” and buy.

    • 44% of sales reps give up after one “no.”
    • 22% give up after two “nos.”
    • 14% give up after three “nos.”
    • 12% give up after four “nos.”

    What does all of this mean?

    92% of all sales reps give up after four “nos.”


    8% of sales reps ask for the sale a fifth time.


    About 8% of sales reps in any sample size are getting about 80% of the sales.

    Is “no” really an obstacle then?

    “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

    - Marcus Aurelius

    How are you handling “no” to convert into a “yes?”

