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  • Why Merchants Buy

    "How do I sell?"

    "How do I sell more?"

    "How do I sell more often?"

    These are questions the routinely play out in the minds of reps on a daily basis. Quality questions get us to quality answers.

    Oftentimes we can get to the answers we really want by taking another angle, and asking a better question. The answers to the questions above can be more effectively arrived at by asking why merchants buy.

    Why do merchants buy?

    Yes, we are selling.

    Yes, we are influencing.


    Yes, Funding Pros are also consulting.

    Funding Pros are facilitating buying.

    What are the reasons for merchants to buy from you?

    Let’s look at J. Gittomer’s collection of reasons (straight from the mouths of customers) that are given for every type of business:
    1. I like my sales rep (I have rapport with my rep).
    1. I understand what I am buying.
    1. I perceive a difference in the person and the company I am buying from.
    1. I perceive a value in the product that I am purchasing.
    1. I believe my sales rep.
    1. I have confidence in my sales rep.
    1. I trust my sales rep.
    1. I am comfortable with my sales rep.
    1. I feel that there is a fit of my needs and his/her product or service.
    1. The price seems fair, but is not necessarily the lowest.
    1. I perceive that this product or service will increase my productivity.
    1. I perceive that this product or service will increase my profit.
    1. I perceive that my sales rep is trying to help me build my business in order to earn his. My sales rep is a valuable resource to me.

    If numbers 1-12 are done well, number 13 becomes inevitable.

    I perceive that my sales rep is trying to help me build my business in order to earn his. My sales rep is a valuable resource to me.

    Why do merchants buy from you?


      “How do I sell?”   “How do I sell more?”   “How do I sell more often?”   These are questions the routinely play out in the minds of reps on…
