Looking to sign on with new A-D paper lenders
MUST BE A FIRST POSITION SHOP , not 1st position based on "only if" history
Please contact 201 948 2650
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looking for direct lenders - 1st position only
Trusted Business Loans Quick With Easy Requirements
✅ Funds can be used for any business purpose
✅ Instantly Deposited
✅$100,000 or less only needs 3 months bank statements
✅ Monthly Payment
✅Business Term Loan and Line of Credit available.
888-332-2882 Call for more infoLast edited by MonFund; 08-13-2024, 11:47 AM.
Looking for Collateral based Lender
Currently looking for lending partners that will utilize some property that is free and clear. The appraisal amount is just under the 200k minimum threshold requirement for my current partner. Would anyone happen to have any lenders within the marketplace that will accept real estate that is free and clear for a business loan?
Industry: Health Care
Sic Code: 8082
TIB: 1 year
AZ Billing: Medicaid Direct
Working Capital
Hiring Additional Staff
Debt Restructuring
4 properties under Ownership
3 residential
1 commercial...
- 1 like
real estate deal in CO
the owner is looking for a $1,000,000 loan for a 2nd mortgage on the property in Frederick CO 80504. Hoping for 8% or better.
The loan will be contributing to building a $4.5M value solar farm, a $500K value ADU for rental income, and secured by the $2M value SFR already on the property and rented out. Total after improvement value of $7M, and a debt of $900K existing mortgage-NOT refinancing that as it is lower than 3%, and the $1M 2nd mortgage.
The solar farm is also being supported by grants, selling the tax credits and efficient construction.
After improvement revenue:
$20,000 Net from the solar farm
$4,000 Rent from the ADU
$5,2000 Rent from primary dwelling
$29,000 Gross Monthly Revenue
-$4,500 1st Mortgage
-$7,300 2nd Mortgage
$17,200 Net Monthly Revenue
Please let me know if you have a program for this, and what documents you need, thanks.
Deal in OK
I need a bank that will fund a company that just switched to blue vine bank
646 202 0095
In Search of New ISO's! Are you a broker? Flagler Advance is a direct lender looking to fund your deals! Funding amounts from 25k-1M. 8-12 points on every deal, and ISO's who close $1 Million in the month of November will get an extra point on EVERY deal the next month! Send an email over to me at emily@flagleradvance.com to get signed up and start closing deals TODAY....
No Broker Fees - Monumental Funding Solutions
Monumental Funding Solutions has been working hard to bring you the very best there is to offer and this next deal you will not believe! We are doing away with Broker fees on MOST of our products. Although we are allowed to charge a small percentage to our clients we have always tried to avoid doing this. As we have added new and more valuable products to our list we are so confident in our solutions that we have done completely away with Broker fees with most of our programs.
I have two loans ,,,need homes
Please call me asap regarding these files
one has bank statements but has an alien registration card til 2027
but has ss number and driver id
ANTHONY 646 202 0095
seeking lenders
Seeking first position lenders who can fund previous defaults
email Anthony @ submissions@simonsaysfunded.com
or call 646 202 0095
Looking for a lender for a 4th position of 200k+
Looking for a lender that would come in on a 4th position for a company doing 750k+ a month. Merchant is in hospitality industry. Just had recent fundings on 3/11 and 3/31 for 250k each. Total holdback on the other 3 loans is about 12%. Again looking for a fourth....
Aged MCA lead data for sale.
Hi all. I've got about 4k aged MCA leads data I'm selling. 1$ per lead Reach me @ kevin.perry.54businesslending@gmail.com
WeFund Has a New Funding Program
WeFund Is Now Providing a
New Funding Program
Terms Up to 5 Months & Weekly Payment options available!
Direct Funder in the MCA Space
Fast Approvals & Smooth Funding Process
Minimal Paperwork Needed
Dedicated Experienced Underwriters with Fast Decisions
Low Risk Program Niche.
- B to C Paper
- 2nd to 6th Position Sweet Spot
- Full commission on renewals
Our Product:
- 10k to 400k
- Terms Up to 5 Months
- Weekly Payment Options
Average Deal Sweet Spot
60 to 100 Days
(3 to 5 months)
Funding Criteria
-Minimum monthly revenue - $35,000
-Minimum monthly deposit count - 5
-Average daily balances - $1,500.00
-Time in business - (12+ months)
-Fico 500+
-Restricted industries - Attorneys & Financial
-No open bankruptcies...
Looking for new lenders
Looking for new b thru d lenders
1st position and onward
the best files to the worst, please
646 202 0095
What are the real benefits of a tax free fees on a Merchant Cash Advance?
I work with a company called www.newvisionfunding.com and I am doing an SEO campaign. I know what the tax benefits are, but I want to be able to incorporate the tax free debt solution or (Merchant Cash Advance) within our web-site. We aren't a new company. We are a division of a firm that has a billionaire boss and a billionaire underwriter. We are on Wall Street. We are a direct lender in every sense of the word. Our lenders are friends. We can get you the best stips every time all the time, but I need help in understanding how tax free loans benefit in the MCA world.
Can anyone elaborate further on how tax deductible loans can benefit the much saturated MCA industry, because these are default times. I need to know how to better explain this....
New brokerage shop in long island
looking to sign up with b,c, and d lenders
Call Anthony at 646 202 0095Last edited by PFF2015; 01-10-2023, 12:19 PM.