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  • Wanted! Staffing Companies!

    Hi deBanked!

    As many of you know we are Seacoast Business Funding, a division of Seacoast Bank. We offer flexible working capital solutions in the forms of factoring and asset based lines of credit. We are unique in the market as we are bank owned, but can still work with challenged companies or companies in transition. We finance companies in a variety of industries (excluding construction and healthcare services). A good portion of our loan portfolio is staffing companies of staffing related companies(government contractors and security guard companies). We love the industry and you will be hard pressed to find a finance company with aggressive advance rates and pricing like us. Our ideal client:

    -Based anywhere in the US
    -Provides temporary or contract workers to US based corporate clients and/or government agencies.
    -Revenues between $1.5Mil to well over $300Mil.
    -Facility needs from $250K to well over $30Mil.
    Kevin Henry
    VP-Business Development
