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  • abfunders
    Sold, Thanks for the interest.

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  • abfunders
    started a topic Data for sale

    Data for sale

    Hi fellow brokers and direct lenders,

    We have data that we purchased from dun & bradstreet ( at the end of December. We were going to use it for our own telemarketers, but we decided to go another route. This data cost us around $2700 to purchase. We downloaded 240,000 (close to the max allowed in a year). High risk, MCA approved industries, grossing $20k monthly to $5mm.

    We also did a scrape of and got 120,000 about a month ago.

    All data has contact name, company name, address/state, phone number, as well as industry/type of business.
    We do not have data from California or NY.

    We'd like to just sell it all in one shot, to one person, and we won't want to do any reselling. We'd like to sell all of it for $300, about the cost if you would do the scrape yourself on UpWork, and we're open for negotiations. We want to get rid of it.

    I don't know how to guarantee to you that we won't resell it, but I would like to find a creative way to prove myself.

    Please email
    Last edited by abfunders; 03-20-2017, 03:49 PM.
