A CRM is a lot like a gym membership. Just paying your membership dues is not enough. The results you see reflect the effort that you put in. Use it occasionally, and you will see some benefits. Use it regularly and you will become strong and powerful!
So, the first and probably the most important Habit for CRM Success and Sales Growth is to get active and flex your CRM muscles regularly. Log on, check your dashboard, see how your agents are doing, monitor your campaign performance, watch for customer service issues, plan ahead, …. or just chat with your team for fun
The more you use your CRM, the more organized and focused your Sales and Marketing will be.. and the results will surprise you.
Upgrade your business to ConvergeHub to work smarter, attract more Merchants and fund more Deals.
ConvergeHub’s MCA Edition is built specially for Alternative Lending industry and covers the entire business process starting from running marketing campaigns, managing leads, following up with Merchants, communicating with Lenders to funding Deals and processing Renewals.
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