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  • How To Catch Up With The Tech Enabled MCA Companies

    How To Make Your Merchant Cash Advance Company As Efficient As Possible Using Systems And Technology

    Did you know that merchant cash advance is not just about optimizing lead generation? (even though getting quality deals is a major pain)

    In order to fund more deals and bigger size deals, you will need to identify what’s causing your company to plateau.

    For example, you might be stuck at $50,000 per month and you can’t seem to go further no matter how hard you try.

    This happens due to what is known as a bottleneck.

    A bottleneck prevents your company from scaling and being able to handle more business.

    Bottlenecks are the main reason why most funders and brokers are lagging way behind in terms of the scale at which they could be operating.

    Instead of funding $10 million and more per month, brokers and ISOs are funding way less than a million a month.

    Conventional brokers are lagging behind, and now it’s time to learn how to close the gap with systems and technology currently available in the market.

    Today, I’m going to reveal to you the major bottlenecks within a Merchant Cash Advance company and how to fix those bottlenecks and scale your business so that you increase the number of quality deals you fund per month.

    The first thing you need to do is to ask yourself:

    “Where are the bottlenecks in my merchant cash advance business?”

    I’ve done years of research into studying top-performing ISOs and finding out what makes them different from the smaller, less successful ISOs.

    …And what I found was that all merchant cash advance companies have these bottlenecks in common:
    • Getting quality leads using a repeatable and predictable process
    • Getting merchants to actually fill out an app and then sign it
    • Getting merchants to send 3 months of business bank statements
    • Selling the deal to the merchant
    • Keeping track of all the paperwork
    • Maintaining a strong ongoing relationship with clients for repeat business

    Fixing these bottlenecks will allow your cash advance company to move from doing around $50,000 per month to around $1 million per month and beyond.

    Now let’s see how we can fix each of these bottlenecks.

    Check out our official blog where we discuss innovative inbound lead strategy

    [CASE STUDY] How To Get The Freshest Leads In The Merchant Cash Advance Business
