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  • Credit Card Split / Lockbox

    Quick Overview - Credit Card Split / Lockbox

    No UCC
    No COJ
    No Personal Guarantee
    NO Stacking ( Will Pay Off Existing Positions – Want to net 50%)
    Minimum 3 Months Complete Bank Statements ( Not Screenshots)
    Minimum 3 Months Credit Card Statements ( Not Screenshots)
    Minimum Funding $5K
    Maximum Funding $250K – Depending on strength of business
    Funding Term – 3 to 12 months ( Most range 6 months)
    Daily Flexible Holdbacks ( 10% to 20% Range)
    FICO is not a major factor – prefer the higher FICO over the low 450 FICO

    Typical STIPS:
    Copy of Lease
    Color Scanned Copy of Drivers License / Government ID
    Copy of Voided Business Check
    EIN Verification ( if Available)
    Business Formation ( Corp / LLC) Many times I can acquire them from Secretary of State Web Sites

    Call 727-233-1111 - Dave
    Dave Lambert
    FC Financial LLC
    1-727-291-7890(Leave Message or Text)
    Office: 1-727-233-1111
    Skype: fc-financial
