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  • Looking for a partner for Honest Ally Capital LLC

    Looking for experience closers looking to take things to the next level. Im looking for a partner that wants to grow an ISO operation.

    We are partnered with all the major online lenders as well as some private investors. We have all the nessary foundations laid. What we are looking for is a stategic partner that will drive file submissions.

    I am offering a 40% commission on referrals and 70% commission on full submissions. Payout is 10-12pts.

    You will be provided a sub business account and full access to funds that you earn! Although will encourage you to put money back into the business for syndication, leads, call centers and shared work space.

    If you are looking to start your own company, or you would like to work independently this could be a good opportunity for you.

    Contact us today at our website or on skype at

    You can also reach me on my cell at 718-600-8617

    Best Regards,
    Antoine Shephard CEO of Honest Ally Capital LLC
