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  • Field Of Play - The Sales Process

    What is the Sales Process?

    The Sales Process is the set of repeatable steps, you, as a Funding Pro, follow to take a Lead and convert into a closed and Funded Customer. It is a framework you follow to consistently close and fund deals.

    Why is it Important?

    In order to fund more deals in any given month, one must have a systematic approach to consistently streamline how you fund deals. A systematic process will produce systematic results --> systematic results = more predictable results. This prevents us from reinventing the wheel every time we engage a lead and start their buying journey. This also prevents us from wasting the most precious currency we, as Funding Pros, have: TIME.

    Sun Tzu say, “Whoever is the first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted.”

    Translation: Fund Szu say, “The Funding Pro first to fully understand the buyer’s journey and field of play (Sales Process), will be fresh to strategically sell and convert Leads to Funded Customers consistently and efficiently; whoever is winging it every time, will waste massive amounts of time and energy exhausting themselves in the attempt to Fund.”

    What are the Stages of the FASS Sales Process?
    • Stage 0 - Start
    • Stage 1 – The Prospected Stage
    • Stage 2 – The Consulted Stage
    • Stage 3 – The Application Out Stage
    • Stage 4 – The Application In Stage
    • Stage 5 – The Submission Stage
    • Stage 6 – The Pitched Approval Stage
    • Stage 7 – The Contract Out Stage
    • Stage 8 – The Contract In Stage
    • Stage 9 – The Closing Stips In Stage
    • Stage 10 – The Funded Stage

    What do all of these mean?

    More to come…

    Fund On!

