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  • Paydirt


    You know that rush you feel when you read it on the email or hear the voice of the Underwriter say it. It takes work, commitment, creativity and perseverance to get deals funded.

    Small business funding has gotten easier for some, more difficult for others. Being a Top Sales Pro in this space is all about discipline, a client-first mentality, and a relentless hunger for growth and improvement. Although it’s been fun to fire from the hip in the wild west all these years, it’s gotten harder to produce consistent Results month-in and month-out without a true Strategy.

    FundingStrat’s commitment to you is to share the Master Playbook that will make you a Top Performer in this space so you can fund more deals, generate more revenue, serve more clients, and create more income for yourself.

    After over 100M funded in MCA’s and Business Loans, I have seen that there are common patterns that consistently emerge from the chaos. I will teach you the Science and the Art of elevating your game and driving Consistent Results every month.

    Who doesn’t love to score? WAKE UP!! It’s Game Time, and playing is a whole lot more fun when you have that Strategic Edge. Get excited, because your toolbox is about to get a lot bigger. See you in the Endzone.

