Experienced CEO looking for the right individuals that are dedicated and money motivated to work from home
I have over 30 years of sales experience and I have thousands of lead resources
However, my expectations on other candidates have fallen short due to lack of enthusiasm or personal problems
If this is case with you , please do not respond
However, if you would like to receive higher payouts, round the clock support and have years of sales experience behind you
do not hesitate to pick up the phone and call
I will provide leads
ISO Agreement
Commission structure in writing
Assistance with opening and closing your files and STILL pay you the same commission we agree upon
Contact :
Anthony Simonini
Phoenix Funding and Finance
917 793 9004 Office
347 806 4010 Cell
I have over 30 years of sales experience and I have thousands of lead resources
However, my expectations on other candidates have fallen short due to lack of enthusiasm or personal problems
If this is case with you , please do not respond
However, if you would like to receive higher payouts, round the clock support and have years of sales experience behind you
do not hesitate to pick up the phone and call
I will provide leads
ISO Agreement
Commission structure in writing
Assistance with opening and closing your files and STILL pay you the same commission we agree upon
Contact :
Anthony Simonini
Phoenix Funding and Finance
917 793 9004 Office
347 806 4010 Cell