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  • Dead Files

    Good evening everyone,

    My decline/ "dead files" stack is exceptionally large this month. I have packages from merchants who's sales volumes are far from small, but its been the little things that have prevented me from receiving any offers from about 20 different lenders.

    Some Examples:

    $80k/mo in deposits but 540 credit score & 2 positions... I've stacked 4th even 5th positions before...

    $65k/mo with a prior default, however it was paid in full..

    $55k-75k/mo consistently for the past 12 months as reflected in the merchants bank statements but a decline in sales over the past 6 weeks because his pregnant wife got very ill. Sales are back on the rise but I still cannot get an approval

    $25k-$40k consistently as reflected in the past 6 months of bank statements but the merchant recently switched from a local to a Major Bank on Friday...

    I understand what the job of UW is, but I am looking for some unconventional 'outside-the-box' direct lenders who are willing to take a chance on any of these merchants. If anybody can take a crack at them please email me or call 516-587-4273

    I look forward to hearing from you and funding some deals!!

    -Michael Brandt, President, Champion Capital Inc.

  • #2
    I've got several of these, too. I've got a client doing $130k+ per month and a history of successful (paid off) advances, but had a string of NSF's last month so nobody will touch.


    • #3
      Michael, give me a shot at these deals. I cant guarantee I'll fund all of them but I should be able to for most of them.


      • #4
        Some of the files you mentioned sound reasonable to structure offers that would stick. My company, Central Diligence Group, provides a few different underwriting services, which includes getting your clients funded. Our rates are very competitive too. Check us out at


        • #5
          Last edited by joeg; 05-01-2023, 04:30 PM.

