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  • Kick Your Own A!$

    Ever have a bad day?

    Ever lose a sale you thought you had?

    Ever been in a slump?

    ...been rejected 10 straight times?

    ...have a merchant say yes to you and then three days later just evaporate and won't call you back?

    If the pandemic wasn't enough...

    How do you respond to these situations?

    Some could get discouraged enough they start to watch more TV, stay up later, get up later, get online or show up to the office later and, well, check out.

    What's another way to respond? What's the surefire way to take these setbacks in stride, overcome them and achieve the financial success, fulfillment and personal gratification that comes with a well-built sales career?

    Kick your own ass!

    Like Jeffrey Gitomer says, "no one else will really do it for you, in any meaningful way."

    Life and business has thrown you and will continue to throw you obstacles and setbacks. Many times the gut-reflex is to freeze. But if you stay in this doe in the headlights stupor for too long, those headlights will get bigger and bigger until WHAM! Roadkill.

    Sometimes we need someone we respect to come along and give us a nice kick in ass so we can kick ourselves into gear, and at times those someones fatefully do show up and do us this favor.

    But most of the time, even though you may have family, friends and colleagues that can be there for you to help you, inspire you and give you some tough love, a true Funding Pro must be self-motivated.

    No matter what is going on out there, your quota should not be the only external target causing you to push yourself. You have a responsibility to yourself to achieve a level of success you and you alone have set out for yourself.

    We all have a responsibility to get better every day, learn from our mistakes or setbacks, adapt, overcome and take care of our families.

    Like one of the quarterbacks playing in his tenth Super Bowl this Sunday, light the fire and stoke it every day. The rewards start to pile up.


      Ever have a bad day?   Ever lose a sale you thought you had?   Ever been in a slump?   …been rejected 10 straight times?   …have a merchant say yes to you and…
