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  • The Most Valuable Resource

    According to K. Krogue, only 35.2% of B2B sales rep's time is spent on core selling activities, aka revenue generating activities.

    That means the other 64.8% of the time is spent on non-revenue generating activities.

    In a standard 40 hour workweek that means only about 14 hours are actually revenue generating activities – what’s going on with the other 26 hours??!

    That is a very important question because it involves units of the most valuable resource known to man.








    Time is the scarcest resource we have on this planet. It is non-renewable.

    Yes, there may actually be a limited supply of gold on this planet - Warren Buffett’s approximation is about only an onlympic swimming pool’s worth.

    Water is plentiful on the planet thankfully, but we can’t live more than 3 days on average without it. Essential, no doubt.

    Money? If central banks keep printing it at the rate they’re going…

    The dollar can always be gained and regained.

    Time you never get back. Time is truly finite, and therefore the scarcest resource.

    Being the scarcest resource to man, it is the most valuable resource.

    It is not to be wasted, but to me maximized.

    So back to that very important question from above: where are the rest of the hours going?

    According to’s 2017 research study:

    - 14.8% of the time was going towards – Administrative Tasks

    - 11.6% - Research

    - 8.7% - Internal meetings

    - 7% - Travel

    - 6.3% - Proposals and contracting

    - 5.6% - Downtime

    - 5.3% - Planning

    - 4.5% - Pipeline

    - 3.9% - Training

    To maximize revenue, we must maximize time.

    To maximize time, we must manage it.

    What consistently gets in the way of your selling/revenue-generating activities every day?


      According to K. Krogue, only 35.2% of B2B sales rep’s time is spent on core selling activities, aka revenue generating activities.   That means the other 64.8% of the time is spen…
