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  • Deconstructing The Gift Of The Gab - Part II


    Closers of have the Gift.

    To fund we must close.

    To close we must sell.

    To sell we must influence.

    To Influence we must Communicate effectively.

    And to communicate effectively, we turn to Dr. Albert Mehrabian's research that found:
    • 7%of way people interpret a message communicated would be determined by the words spoken.
    • 38%of the way people interpret a message communicated would be determined by the way the words were spoken.
    • 55%of the way people interpret a message communicated would be determined by the facial expression and other body language gestures/cues used while speaking the words.


    According to these studies, communication (influence) is 93% nonverbal– mostly attributed to how we are using our voice and our bodies (vocal and visual).

    But how does this help if the majority of a Funding Pro’s selling is done over the phone where the merchant can’t see you?

    Well, what if the merchant can see you?

    The cofounders of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), a psychotherapy born from the research at the University of California Santa Cruz in the 1970’s, identified that we, human beings, use our 5 senses to create an internal model of the world around us to best learn and process information.

    What does this mean?

    We are constantly using our 5 senses, Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactoryand Gustatory,to recreate the world around us internally. We do this to better understand the world every day for better survival and pattern recognition.

    But from these 5 modalities (senses), we will typically value one over the others. This one we value most is what is called the Preferred Representational System(modality), this this is the one we will use most to process and store information.

    So what?

    Bandler and Grinder, the NLP cofounders, established in their field research that about 60-65% of the population uses the Visualmodality as their preferred representational system.


    Someone who is highly Visual is able to easily and vividly visualize things, and in fact prefers to do so when engaged in any activity – especially listening.

    Why does this matter?

    60-65%, probably more, of the people you are speaking to on the phone are using your verbal (7%) and nonverbal (93%)communication to create a picture of YOU in their mind.

    How would you speak on the phone if you knew the merchant was creating a picture of you in their head?

    Happy Funding!

