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  • Deconstructing The Gift Of The gab

    To some the Gift of the Gab is a phrase reserved for those they believe to be articulate speakers. To others, the gift is to speak clearly and succinctly. And most often, this phrase is reserved for those who can communicate commandingly and persuasively.

    You hear it in sales and it means, “that boy (or girl) can close!”

    What is really under the hood of the Gift?

    To fund we must close.

    To close we must sell.

    To sell we must influence.

    To Influence we must Communicate effectively.

    What is Effective Communication?

    PhD Albert Mehrabian, at the UCLA Department of Psychology conducted a couple of breakthrough research studies in 1967 and 1968 that tested how human beings responded to and interpreted distinct forms of communications.

    The groups participating in the studies would have the option to respond positively, negatively or in neutral to words, words vocally said in different tones, and words vocally said in different tones communicated with distinct body language.

    In summary, Mehrabian found in people that:
    • 7% of way people interpret a message communicated would be determined by the words spoken.
    • 38% of the way people interpret a message communicated would be determined by the way the words were spoken.
    • 55% of the way people interpret a message communicated would be determined by the facial expression and other body language gestures/cues used while speaking the words.

    In addition:
    • People’s positive feelings and attitudes that drove positive responses were most closely correlated to those who had the highest level of congruence between their body language and the way they were using their voice.

    Congruence is the agreement or alignment between your words, how you say them, and how you use your body while you say them.

    Is someone going to trust you if you say “Yes” while you are shaking your head side to side?

    At least in most western culture, no, that is incongruency – a disharmony between components that should be working together.

    Very persuasive speakers, you will notice, use their body in powerful and commanding ways.

    Before the room can be owned, they must own themselves first.

    Bottom Line (for now)

    According to these studies, communication is 93% nonverbal – mostly attributed to how we are using our voice and our bodies (vocal and visual).

    Is this so farfetched?

    Human beings are the only creatures in the Animal Kingdom that we know of that have invented and refined a technology for more effective communication in Language.

    The rest of the Animal Kingdom relies on vocal and physical cues to interpret the world, predators, prey and peers around them.

    You ever watch your dog watch you, the nuances he’s focused on?

    We’re all doing it whether we are conscious of it or not.

    But wait! The overwhelming majority of the Funding Pro’s selling is done over the phone and the merchant can’t see me!!

    Yes, and can they really not see you?

    To be continued…


      To some the Gift of the Gab is a phrase reserved for those they believe to be articulate speakers.  To others, the gift is to speak clearly and succinctly.  And most often, this phrase is re…
