Somewhere in MCA land Larry F. Smith just got funded for like $100k or more. The deal is so large that the underwriter is using a randomizer to spit out what filing company Larry should be filed under to ensure no one finds the deal and wrestles it away, or stacks on it. That’s the plan. However, tomorrow, we’ll have Larry on the phone, congratulating him on just getting funded, offering him a free deal analysis, and will open the opportunity for him to get more money. In thirty days or so, someone will approach a data provider to purchase some UCC’s expecting to not only find Larry, but a bunch more Larry’s. Unfortunately, they’ll strike out because the darned Larry's out there are being hidden too darned well! Somewhere else in MCA land, Peter J. Stevens is getting $100k or more too. But the underwriter in his case is not using a randomizer nor are they using an alias and are just flat filing under their name. In 30 days, Peter J. Stevens̵...