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  • nicked
    started a topic Mca/Ucc leads with cell Number & Email

    Mca/Ucc leads with cell Number & Email

    UCC Records Contain:
    • Filing Date
    • Secured Party Name
    • Company name
    • Full Name
    • Email
    • Cell # or Phone #
    • Mailing address
    • City, State, Zip
    Additional info if needed.
    • SIC Code
    • Sales Volume
    • Year in Business
    • Business Category
    + If any additional info needed...
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  • We have your business funding needs covered!

    At Choice, we provide small business funding that is designed to help you grow your business on your terms. Having access to small business financing can give you the freedom to focus on other aspects of running your business. Some common uses of funding include:

    -Purchase inventory
    -Invest in new equipment
    -Smooth cash flow or cover payroll
    -Hire more staff
    -Launch a marketing campaign
    -Expand your business

    There are several types of funding available including:


    Check us out online at for additional information or to get pre-approved.
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  • 800fund
    started a topic Merchant cash advances

    Merchant cash advances

    Merchant cash advances
    For a long time our organization provides merchant cash advance for medium business needs. Due to our experience, we can safely say: we know how to verify the company’s solvency without guarantors and collateral. It should be noted that due to these factors a bank can repay borrowed money and so the interest rate is brought down. In such cases the list of needed documents can be more. 800fund provide online financing for business. Here you can get a business credit line for any type of business. Our managers can help to find the right lending program and answer all your questions: how to get a business loan, how to apply for a business loan, how to apply for a small business loan. Therefore do not make hasty action and refer to the pros, and we will find the best lending option. All financial institutions have different requirements of giving a loan. Previous to providing an advance to the lendee, the banks prefer to be sure that the credit will be repaid....
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  • Purchase Receivables & Forward Flow Business

    A client of mine is looking to deploy a minimum of $20M-30M in any given 12 month period, if not at once in a single or series of transactions with one company. Their focus is on either consumer AR (non-real estate or other long term based product). They will also do commercial AR, but mostly dealing with small and medium size businesses. They do not originate loans, but rather purchase existing pools of receivables. They will also buy AR on a forward flow business, such as medical and other AR as they are created. If this is of any interest, let me know.

    Copelon J. Kirklin
    504-667-5400 o
    225-304-2634 c
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