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merchant cash advances x

  • PFF2015
    started a topic Insides Sales Rep Wanted

    Insides Sales Rep Wanted

    Phoenix Funding and Finance is a Merchant Cash Advance company that provides alternative financing to merchant across the USA since 2010 I am a 30 year sales veteran with over 6 years of experience in the cash advance industry We are looking for money-driven motivated individuals to work in our fun-fast paced environment We would like you give you the opportunity to work with us We have COMPLETELY RESTRUCTURED OUR PAYOUTS We work with over 60 direct lenders These direct lenders are non-regulated banks owned by private investors We lend to small to medium size business owners using these direct lenders. We will offer you the training you need to be successful We have a one on one training that is second to none in the industry IT ALL DEPENDS ON HOW HARD YOU WORK AND WHAT KIND OF LIFESTYLE YOU WANT TO SUPPORT. WE ARE NOT GOING TO PROMISE YOU ANYTHING ,,NO EMPTY DREAMS OF "YOU CAN MAKE ALOT OF MONEY HERE " ITS ALL ON YOU!!! We will provide leads and all the tools you need to be s...
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    Last edited by PFF2015; 11-28-2016, 06:02 PM.

  • Motivated Individuals Wanted : Financial District : Merchant Cash Advance

    Phoenix Funding and Finance has merged with Atlantis Capital Atlantis Capital has provided alternative financing for small to medium size lenders for the past 10 years Anthony Simonini is a 30 year sales veteran with over 6 years of experience in the cash advance industry We are looking for money-driven motivated individuals to work in our fun-fast paced environment We would like you give you the opportunity to work with us We have COMPLETELY RESTRUCTURED OUR PAYOUTS This is now a performance driven position where you can make up to $75 to $175 A DAY We are brokers that work with over 60 direct lenders These direct lenders are non-regulated banks owned by private investors We lend to small to medium size business owners using these direct lenders. We will offer you the training you need to be successful We have a one on one training that is second to none in the industry Your paid on your performance: $25 on the first application you receive and $50 per additional application afterw...
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    Last edited by PFF2015; 11-11-2016, 04:53 PM.

  • 800fund
    started a topic Merchant cash advances

    Merchant cash advances

    Merchant cash advances
    For a long time our organization provides merchant cash advance for medium business needs. Due to our experience, we can safely say: we know how to verify the company’s solvency without guarantors and collateral. It should be noted that due to these factors a bank can repay borrowed money and so the interest rate is brought down. In such cases the list of needed documents can be more. 800fund provide online financing for business. Here you can get a business credit line for any type of business. Our managers can help to find the right lending program and answer all your questions: how to get a business loan, how to apply for a business loan, how to apply for a small business loan. Therefore do not make hasty action and refer to the pros, and we will find the best lending option. All financial institutions have different requirements of giving a loan. Previous to providing an advance to the lendee, the banks prefer to be sure that the credit will be repaid....
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