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  • Can't BALL if you don't CALL!!!

    The time to invest in your business is now. Purchase our leads and end 2017 with a bang!

    Wouldn't you like to fund a hundred thousand or more before the year ends? With Enablement Data that can happen!
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  • Sex Money Drugs.....nope just leads

    A-paper declines (declined because of existing advance) digital applications all from 11/12/17 thru 12/15/17.

    This means every last single one of them are fundable they all have at least one position and are looking for more funding...
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  • SCP
    started a topic Strategic Capital Partners, LLC

    Strategic Capital Partners, LLC

    Just wanted to make a short introduction here for any current (or new to the industry) independent contractors and ISO's seeking another reputable solution for their clients. We fund everything from A Paper to D- Paper and multiple partner offerings in the form of a Merchant Referral Program, premier service standards and excellent payouts for existing entities who wish to manage communication with their clients, and also a robust turnkey solution (See our "Gold" and "Platinum" level packages) for anyone who wishes to become an exclusive partner. Contact information is within post signature. Abundance - Ryan Ridgway, Founding Partner

    Strategic Capital Partners is a nationwide broker specializing in a diverse array of alternative financing options including..

    - Merchant Cash Advances (MCA)
    - Unsecured Business Lending
    - Small Business Loans
    - Extended Term Loans
    - Revenue Based Financing
    - Business Lines Of Credit

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    Last edited by SCP; 06-20-2015, 08:06 PM.