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direct funder x

  • Urus Funding - Your new favorite high risk funder

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    Last edited by UrusFundingJustin; 12-13-2023, 05:03 PM.

  • End of Quarter Funding your MCA deals NOW!

    Would love to fund your end of quarter MCA deals! Payout is 12pts! Funding 10k - 1mil. Same day funding! Please reach out to send deals. I usually respond within 5 seconds. :-D...
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  • xFunder / new Outsources Sales Team for Direct Funders - looking for new Funders now

    After launching sales channels at IOU Financial and The Fundworks and representing Fundation - CDG - WCM, I have created my own outsourced sales team company named xFunder. We utilize our experience and 1000's of contacts to help funders grow their ISO community and volume fast! IF YOU ARE A FUNDER AND TIRED OF GUESSING IF YOUR NEW HIRE REP WILL WORK? WILL THEY LIVE OFF THE DRAW OR BASE YOU GIVE THEM? HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU WASTE ON BAD HIRES? FINDING OUT TOO LATE THEY DON"T LIKE TO HUNT FOR NEW ACCOUNTS? xFunder is an outsourced sales team that plugs in with less cost and overhead, bringing in the right fit ISO's, build the ISO partner knowledge of product and process and manage the pipeline. We can market your brand and product. We can also provide consulting to your process and products. We are hunters and farmers built in one. This also provides a benefit and convenience to an ISO/Broker so they only has one rep for several different companies. xFunder is looking fo...
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  • Direct Funder Signing on New Iso's

    Hi All,

    Andrew here at CFG Merchant Solutions. We are currently signing on new ISO's to get deals funded in Any Industry.

    A few Highlights of our Company:
    • No Mimimum FICO
    • No Monthly Deposit Requirements
    • Only 3 months required T.I.B.

    We are also willing to do 2nd, 3rd and further positions, including the Auto Industry!

    Competitive payouts are offered on a Deal-to-Deal basis. Send me an email or give me a call to receive a copy of our ISO Agreement and let's start Funding Deals today!

    Andrew Jagopat
    CFG Merchant Solutions
    t: (646)880-3824 | |
    85 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10004
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    Last edited by Jagopat; 05-17-2017, 04:49 PM.