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  • Introducing ourselves. New MCA Lead Gen Company -

    Hi Everyone,

    I just started my own small lead gen company for MCAs and I wanted to introduce myself to DeBanked.

    A little about myself- I have a background in marketing and lead gen. I worked for two different MCA brokers in the past heading marketing for a few years. After some time, I decided to part ways and start my own lead gen company.

    All of the lead gen I do is focused on incoming qualified inquiries via strategically placed industry targeted form leads, and targeted social media marketing. Over some time, I’ve tested and analyzed what works best to attract the right kind of merchant for MCA’s. No outbound calling live transfers here. All leads are incoming, hot, and pre-qualified.

    We typically generate anywhere from 10 to 25 qualified leads per day by incoming call or filled out form lead.

    If it’s an inbound call, we will briefly speak to the merchant and gather all the necessary details for a complete lead. If its pre-qualified, we let the merchant know that an account manager will contact them shortly to get started.

    If it’s a form lead, we will contact them to confirm all the entered info is correct minutes before its sent exclusively to you.

    We have 2 types of leads and 4 price tiers for both:
    For Platinum Hot Leads, our pre-qualifications are 3 months in business and $10,000 or more per month in average gross deposits over the past 3 months.
    For Gold Hot Leads, our pre-qualifications are 3 months in business and $5,000 to $9,999 per month in average gross deposits over the past 3 months.

    A complete lead includes the following data:
    Business name
    Merchants name
    Best contact number
    Best contact Email
    Average gross deposits per month over the past 3 months
    Time in business
    Use of capital

    For now, we don’t have an official office location so we’re using a virtual office.

    Since we’re new, we want to build our rep and show what we can do. For any serious broker or lender, we’re offering 3 free Platinum Hot Leads to try us out. Also, our smallest lead package is 25 which makes it easier for smaller brokers to buy.

    Pm, Email, Call, or Text me for more info!


    9891 Irvine Center Dr.
    Irvine, CA 92618
    (714) 878-0743
